Where do you get your motivation from when you start?

Ok, I have been on this site once before, I was doing ok: TMI I am a nursing mom, and it depleated my milk supply a little and a got scared so I quit coming on here, I talked to my doctor, found out how I can avoid that this time around so I am ready AGAIN, to take control of my life.

Here is my question and my problem. I always loved working out, I want desperately to lose weight, I want to be healthy, I want my life back, Where do you find that motivation in the beginning to work out before you start losing weight. I know nothing comes over night and it has to be worth waiting for, but I need some motivation, some drive, I need a push!!! Badly!!!

Where did you guys get it when you first started?

Also to the moms: when do you work out with a new baby and kids to get off to school a house to run, errands to tend to and the like. I need some me time, but I have no idea where to get it.


  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Motivation isn't external. You have to just start doing it.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Honestly, from the success forum or my friends here on MFP. When I'm feeling lazy I'll either post and comlain that I'm being lazy and people will yell at me to get off my *kitten* or I go through a few posts in the Success forum.

    About the being a mom part, you HAVE to take time for yourself or you'll go crazy. My daughter is only 6months so I clean while she's having her 'me-play-time' and workout while she's napping.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I just force myself to do it.
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    I got my motivation from being tired of 15+ years of being overweight. Enough is enough! Jenny Craig didn't work... well it did but then I gained it all back.... not doing anything didn't work, so I HAVE to do something. The fat isn't going to go away by itself.

    For more concrete stuff, I am walking in a big walk (60 miles) next month and in February when I started training that was my push. I exercised, but didn't eat right -- and gained weight. Now that I'm eating right, I've lost 20 and the weight is still going down.

    Another, is I WANT to feel good about myself. It all comes down to you just wanting it badly enough. Worked for me for quitting smoking (2+ yrs smoke free), quitting drinking (1+ yr at that) and now weight loss.

    Once you start to weigh less, I think the motivation will continue on its own.
  • AndreSF
    AndreSF Posts: 84 Member
    In my experience, there is typically this one thing that could be deep down somewhere that makes you tick, and that is what I search for myself when motivation is lacking...
    Find it, embrace it, use it wisely too... :)

    Good luck!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I am a nursing mom, and it depleated my milk supply a little and a got scared so I quit coming on here
    Wait, what?
  • horsepullerlovesme
    i m a stay at home of 8 and all in school but the 6 month is at home i do exercise when she is napping and my hubby gives me much needed me time. :~) or she sits in her chair and i talk to her while i exercise. good luck on ur journey
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    "It's so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to"
    ~Annie Gottlier

    So yeah, that is basically all I got. Often when I feel the motivation waning - I'll pull up some bodyrock.tv to guilt myself into working out... or youtube for some crossfit clips.

    this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtH0cotA57g
  • speckled_1
    When I catch myself being unmotivated/slacking I have a saying/Motto that I tell myself... "Suck it the F*** up Erin!!". This actually helps me ;-)
  • FitnessElle
    The mirror. That was my motivation.

    I grabbed my fat rolls and kept chugging along in a direction I am now proud of. :)
  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member
    its a cycle, you have to make time, if you have a good support partner at home...you can leave the baby with them. Yes they can handle it and she will be ok. The missing mother quilt will be there just ignore it!!! It's better to get the weight off than to feel bad when you can't run and jump with the kids.

    Add small things to your day. Cut out mayonnaise, cheese, chips, ice cream...what ever is your biggest draw. Replace lettuce with spinach leaves on sandwiches. Small changes in cooking is good too. My family doesn't know that I use turkey meat in chili and spaghetti sauce.

    Park further away and walk to the mall and stores. Have realistic expectations. You will have good days, bad days and great days!!

    This is for YOU no one else!! You can do it!!
  • LaSweetMini
    LaSweetMini Posts: 157 Member
    I was sitting on the bed on a sunday night after a binge session and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirrow sitting there with a big belly, fat face, and feeling completly and utterly distgusting. My husband walked by and I wanted to hide because I felt that if he knew how distgusted I felt then maybe he would start to see me in the same way. I never felt so gross in my life. I started to quietly cry about how unhappy I was and then it hit me. I asked myself "why are you even crying or feeling this way. Its your own fault. But you can change that and the quicker you start changing your ways, the quicker you will start feeling good and beautiful again." I was my own motivation. Looking at myself in the mirror everyday and seeing a fat face. Thats what motivated me and it is what continues to motivate me and if I can lose 1lb, I can lose 2,3 and 4! and SO CAN YOU! :happy:
  • aprylkemper
    aprylkemper Posts: 123 Member
    I start off by writing really good goals that have realistic deadlines and rewards (like a massage, a new outfit or a mani/pedi) attached so that I'm excited about 'earning' them and then I put up pictures of what I aspire to - I put them where I cannot avoid them and change them if I start to get used to them.
    I also subscribe to some really good podcasts on iTunes that I list to and get motivation, tips, and just generally keep it at important in my mind.
    My last tip would be to keep a calendar up and check off the days you work out or the days that you meet your eating goals. The visual reminder is motivating and you'll look forward to marking it off!

    Good luck and congratulations on the sweet little baby - getting in shape for them will make your time together even better :)
  • alanaosu
    alanaosu Posts: 85 Member
    When I can't be bothered I just put my workout clothes on and tell myself I'll only do 15 minutes. I ALWAYS finish the entire session once I start so the key for me is to just get on with it.

    Some days I actually enjoy it now!
  • bookworm03
    bookworm03 Posts: 88 Member
    I hung my smallest pair if prepregnancy pants in the kitchen. After a while it became a habit so I put the pants back in my closet. I exercise while the baby is sleeping. She is now 10 months old and its so much easier than it used to be. I have an older child as well and if your little one will nap after your older one gets off the bus you can try doing zumba after school. My oldest loves dancing around the living room with me. If you are like me and have 2 left feet it makes it even better. Awesome silly time. I don't get "me time" away from kids very often, so I'm no help there.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    OH and you're milk supply, DRINK TONS OF WATER. Exercising you need more water, anyway but also nursing you need a TON of water. Don't skimp!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    for me it was a couple of things:

    somthing just went off in my Brian at 255lbs that said get up off your butt off the couch

    Also, my husband and i are having trouble gettign pregnant, so i figured gettign healthy can only help.

    In teh end I think you really have to want to change. for me it'a nice thet my husband and i are doing it together.

    We are also setting an example of helthy living for my stepsons.

    maybe make a list of all teh benifits of being more healthy and post them on your mirror.

    You can do this :)
  • merceah
    I am a nursing mom, and it depleated my milk supply a little and a got scared so I quit coming on here
    Wait, what?

    I was not taking into account the amount of milk my baby was eating which is a lot of calories, plus i wasnt eating the extra calories you are to consume while nursing, sooooo my milk depleated a lot, my baby ws not happy, but now its all back to normal and I am counting all of my nursing calories so that I eat enough for her and to lose weight, hope that made sense. :(
  • Preshusone
    Exercising is never fun, but I think if you try and find something you like and add some pumping up music it makes it more enjoyable. I have an eliptical that was accumulating dust. I finally went to Radio Shack and got an extension for my earphones and logged onto playlist.com. When your working out with music to motivate you time goes quickly. I started at 20 minutes now I am between 45 minutes and 1 hour. I would go longer but I seem to get really hot so make sure you have a fan blowing on you. Finding something that works for you is the best. Good luck..My journey has been slow because of my Thyroid disorder...I wont give up I believe I can lose the weight. :wink: :wink: :wink: :smile: :smile:
  • mountiewife
    Hey there! I have a pic of myself from my pre children days....if that doesn't motivate me nothing will! All I need to do is look in the mirror and then look at that pic....As for getting the motivation to actually start my workout....the hardest step is putting on my sneakers! Once I get going it feels great!!! That usually is my ME time, a time when I don't have to listen to "mom, mom, mom" :laugh: Good luck to you with your weight loss, feel free to add me as a friend if you like!