Stinkin' Thinkin' - when will it stop???



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Oh honey, honey, honey.

    Let me tell you what I see....

    A beautiful woman with an adorable face, a strong, lean body, and an amazing smile. I know people have a tendency to focus on all the negatives, and that will never completely go away, but how you view yourself is TOTALLY up to you.

    Blotchy skin? TOXINS being release from exercise and water consumption. WIN.
    Pointy chin? STRONG JAW used for speaking in favor of yourself. WIN
    Stretch marks? Badge of brought a beautiful life in to this world (ok, it's the truth, but you'll never love them. Move on to acceptance!) WIN
    Awkward height? MODEL HEIGHT!!!! WIN!!!

    Own yourself honey. You have to choose every single day to praise yourself because you worked HARD to get where you are. You are no longer the fat are the ROCKIN SKINNY CHICK!!! OWN THAT!!!!

    :heart: :drinker: :heart: