Hello and thank you

I came across this place by accident a few months ago when I downloaded the app from marketplace. I never really used it until this week. I did a sleep study this summer and received the results last week. Pretty bad sleep apnea and the doc said I need to lose weight, no surprise. I am 43 and should be about 155 lbs, currently I am 220 lbs. Doc gave me a time to retest in 6 months after I have lost 25 lbs. Doc said best way to lose weight is to count.....so I reunited with MFP and sure am glad....

Been reading the forums and its cool that so many peeps help each other here. I got my sister to join so I have my first friend, need more ..lol

Already this place is making a difference, I just got to stay with it.

Thanks for all your great posts, the info is amazing.

Steve C


  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    This site is great! Most of the people are great! Everyone supports each other. Friend me if you want. Good Luck!
  • winpens
    winpens Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks tallen.....I will
  • olso123
    olso123 Posts: 192 Member
    Welcome, this is a great site to get support to help you stay on track. Feel free to friend me.
  • winpens
    winpens Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks olso123....I need the friends to keep my motivation up and stay on the path.....I gained a bunch of my weight in 1999 after surgery....I was taking prescribed steroids and packed on the weight.....and never lost it.....tried several times but now I have to and want to as well.
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    Welcome and I will send a friend request. I knew people on Steroids for medical issues and they said it was like sitting in front of the fridge with a fork.
  • Shanahan09
    ~ Welcome!! :)
  • chattykathy703
    chattykathy703 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. I just started on this site as well... I think it will be great. Good luck
  • winpens
    winpens Posts: 17 Member
    What a great welcome I have received. Thank you all so much and if anyone wants to add me go ahead, I will try and help you stay motivated.

    Have a spectacular
