Stuck for a month!! =/ help

HI everyone, looking for similar experiences to help me out :happy:

i've lost 25 lb in the past months mostly by keeping me on calorie count, stationary bicie and Just Dance 2 :tongue: , i've also lost sizes in the process, but i just found myself stuck in the same weight and size for a month.

the only thing i've change this month is that i now do push ups (cheating with my knees on the floor since i cant do the proper form).

is it possible im stuck because of muscle grow from the push ups? (although i dont thinks so).

what else could provoke that im stuck?

and most important, how can i go over this?

hope you can give a hand :smile:


  • cjasins
    have you adjusted your calories for your new weight? also can try changing up your routine
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    I do push ups on my knees... and it is proper form! :wink:

    You are probably adding muscle, but dare to venture out and try different things.... workouts and diets. That is what I have decided to do for 6 weeks. I explain it on my blog....

    Whatever you do... just stay strong and keep on until you see the results you desire. We all get stuck because the body needs time to 'calibrate' to a new size.... otherwise, you would keep losing weight until you vanished... know what I mean? Give your body time to 'learn' the new you... you will be back on track in no time.

    All the best.
  • keithaj1
    keithaj1 Posts: 71 Member
    Read this and thought it would help:

    Weight loss is a dynamic thing and your body will adapt to a new diet routine. For instance, if you go on a diet and you significantly reduce your calorie intake you will likely lose weight for the first few weeks but after that you might notice that the weight comes off slower and slower or even grinds to a halt.

    This is because of hormones in your body that signal the change in diet. Your body does not understand that you are dieting and intentionally eating fewer calories in order to burn fat, all it knows is that something changed and now there is less food coming in.

    Your body is concerned that you might be headed for starvation and it responds to this "threat" of lower calories by shutting down your metabolism. Why? Because this allows you to keep your fat which you might need if this "starvation" gets any worse.

    So if you follow the logic that a low calorie diet causes your metabolism to slow then the opposite must also hold true.

    Okay, I hear your confusion, you are saying that eating high calorie meals are what got you overweight in the first place. And this is where the real science comes into play. You must strike the right balance in dieting so you are keeping your calories low enough to get the pounds off but also boosting your metabolism, and here is how...

    Diet strictly for 6 days of the week and then on day 7 add a high calorie meal that is at least 25 - 50% higher in calories then a typical meal. This one meal is enough to restore your fat-burning metabolism to near full strength and it will move you off your plateau.

    Sometimes you must do the unexpected to lose weight and using a high calorie meal as a weight loss plateau breaker is a fun and effective way that works.

    Article Source:
  • lotusblossomctf
    I'd agree with cjasins, especially changing up your routine. Our body is fantastic at adjusting and finding the most efficient way to do things, or something like that, unfortunately, not so great for our calorie burn. So that's why when you hit a plateau you're supposed to up the ante or change it up so your body is constantly having to adjust and adapt.
  • pourmasanté107
    Go to Mark's Daily Apple. It will change your life.

    Also, cut out wheat from your diet. Read "Wheat Belly," which will also change your life. I bet you it will help you with your plateau.
  • _Tristan_
    _Tristan_ Posts: 221 Member
    Keep at it. I had the same thing when I started. I kept at it for two months before I saw any movement but now I've been losing again. Hopefully it won't take you 2 months but don't gauge your progress just by the scale, gauge it by what you have gained (pushups and such) and lost (I lost 2 belt sizes while not losing any weight).

    Good Luck and add me for support if you would like to....
  • GabrielGil
    GabrielGil Posts: 10 Member
    have you adjusted your calories for your new weight? also can try changing up your routine

    tnx, i did that, but it wasnt much of a difference, but ill be more aware of it on the future =)
  • GabrielGil
    GabrielGil Posts: 10 Member
    I do push ups on my knees... and it is proper form! :wink:

    You are probably adding muscle, but dare to venture out and try different things.... workouts and diets. That is what I have decided to do for 6 weeks. I explain it on my blog....

    Whatever you do... just stay strong and keep on until you see the results you desire. We all get stuck because the body needs time to 'calibrate' to a new size.... otherwise, you would keep losing weight until you vanished... know what I mean? Give your body time to 'learn' the new you... you will be back on track in no time.

    All the best.

    sorry if i "sound" a little off on the "proper form" thing, maybe it lost the meaning in the translation =P
  • GabrielGil
    GabrielGil Posts: 10 Member
    thanx everyone, so, im on to change my routine to shook things up, im glad its something normal =P
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    I've been stuck for a little over a month too. If any one wants to look at my food diary and let me know what i'm doing wrong I would love you for it!!!:flowerforyou: :love: