I cant do it alone, please support me



  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    in order to succeed this time, you have to start with the mental side. For starters, fill out your profile page as detailed as possible. Gnaw at yourself and all of the reasons you don't like being overweight. Write it down and review it. Living a long, healthy lifestyle won't work unless you've got a strong mindset and taken care of the mental side of things. will power will come and go, so you need to have a means to trigger a will power jump start. don't just think it...write it.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I have failed many times but I have to get serious for my health and for my family. Thanks for listening. Mary

    Set REASONABLE Goals, give yourself TIME...as you get more Self Control you can experiment with less caloric intake and/or exercise. Remember you will have stalls, and basically the Body will lose at its OWN Pace! Be Patient with yourself!
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Yes Sweetie you CAN do it.. we all are here to help you.. Feel free to add me as a Friend, Would Love to be
    part of your Journey with you.. "Believe and you will Achieve" *muah*
  • latenights

    I would be interested in joining a supportive group to lose some weight. Just starting on my weight loss journey. 13st 2lbs and want to be 10 st 10 lbs
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • sweetheart37
    u came to the right place for all the right support u can get, welcome and add me if u like:)
  • wvmark41
    wvmark41 Posts: 124 Member
    Have no fear.... .Mark is here. AND so are so many people here on MFP to help you get through this. You can do it!

    I was so unsure of things last December. Now, I'm having so much fun.

    Don't give up.
  • Rags2Righteous
    Rags2Righteous Posts: 200 Member
    You've made an important step forward. The possibilities are endless if you believe and are committed. Even if you fall, you can always get back up. :-)
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    You are not alone,youve done the right thing by joining this site.I will send you a friend request feel free to accept or decline no worries
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    Get your goals down, and log every single thing, good and bad, throw yourself into the boards for advice or a laugh or a 'pick you up' or a kick in the butt:laugh:
    Add some friends (feel free to add me) and share in your successes. You CAN do this, we can all do this:happy:
  • chrissaucier
    chrissaucier Posts: 271 Member
    Mary, we can do this together! feel free to friend me
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Mary you can do this - we all thought that and we're doing it too, we'll do it with you and we all support each other. I was talking to an MFP friend today who has lost 234 lb - what an incredible achievement. Think of exactly why you want to lose weight, have a read of the inspirational stuff on the forum (I love the before and after pics) and make a plan - ie, tomorrow I will throw out my food I am likely to binge on and buy healthy food to replace it, the following day I will have a really long walk etc - Add us as friends, we'll be there for you :-)