Advice for new member?

Hello! I too, am trying to lose weight. It's been a burden i've been carrying for basically my entire life, which started when I was really young. I'm definitely not obese. I'm probably a good 20lbs overweight, but the funny thing is, I became fat by thinking I was fat. When I was in 8th grade I began to think I was overweight, so I became very depressed, and i'd basically eat whatever was in front of me. I'm very athletic, so luckily I manage to burn a lot of what I put on. But I developed some very bad habits, and now I am trying to break them and get back down to a weight where I can be happy! If you have any advice on how to stay away from binge eating, my horrible sweet tooth, or any advice in general, please tell me! (please dont make fun of my screen name, I am trying to avoid being identified)


  • Time2Thrive
    Time2Thrive Posts: 161 Member
    Found that planning all my meals in advance have helped. When I go grocery shopping only get the things on the list. This prevents getting those items I know I should not get.

    The mind is a terrible thing. If you think it long enough it turns into reality. I know that you will reach your goal!
  • amny
    amny Posts: 30
    I am a huge sweet tooth too ! For me it helps to exercise, then my cravings dissapears. Usually!
    You can also brush your teeth if you get a craving! It doesn't taste good when there is a minty taste to it ;)
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,549 Member
    1. Don't try to eliminate all the "bad" foods at once. It will backfire. I have something sweet everyday to control the chocolate monster but instead of a huge bowl of ice cream, it's a true serving of 1/2 cup or it's just 8 dark chocolate chips. That will help with the sweet tooth.

    2. Take measurements NOW. You don't have a lot to lose so accept now that if you do it correctly, it will take awhile to lose it and KEEP IT OFF. So, take your measurements because sometimes the scale doesn't move or it moves in the wrong way but your body will be changing and that will show in the measurements.

    3. Drink tons of water, it helps fill you up, it flushes excess sodium out of your system and it's just all around good for you.

    4. Agree with the idea to plan your meals ahead of time. Have stuff in your kitchen (and in your purse) that you can snack on when you get hungry. If you have a bag of raw natural almonds in your purse, you can eat 10 of those and knock back the hunger pangs so you don't hit a drivethru if you're out and about. Same if you're home. If you have a bag of baby carrots and some hummus, there's a great, quick snack. Baby-bel cheeses and laughing cow light cheeses are great too.

    Good luck!