anyone have this issue?



  • Dr. Oz says you should get 25 grams of fiber per day. Perhaps this will help curb your cravings. You can do this by having a fiber bar at breakfast, then have an orange, 1 single packet of metamucil per day and 1 cup of kashi go lean toasted berry crumble. I haven't tried it yet, but just saw it on his show and plan to try it.

    Best of luck!
  • First of all, I don't think it matters what time of day you eat. It's the total amount of calories burned throughout the day that matters.
    I have the same problem as you, I do good the whole day and the sugar cravings start at night. But instead of eating unheathy sugars you can eat healthy ones from fruit.
    I usually make a smoothie using unsweetened vanilla almond milk (just 40 cals), about a cup of unsweetened frozen mixed berries, a tablespoon of agave nectar (or honey) and a little vanilla extract and some shredded coconut and coconut water if i have it.
    It's fine just with the berries and almond milk if you dont have the extra stuff
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    I have always had my weaknesses later in the day to eat sweets- I've curved that a lot- but my problem now is when I don't eat later in the day -before I go to bed my stomach seriously starts to growl. I don't think I am hungry-but sometimes I feel like I am needing something small. What do I do? I don't want to snack at 10 or 11 at night- and I eat dinner between 6-7pm. Please tell me your thoughts or if you ever experience this. Thanks!

    Eat .5c. cottage cheese with .5 c. blueberries or .5 apple with .5 ounce cheese protien and fibar are filling and stay with you, so you can fall sleep.
  • strawberryontop
    strawberryontop Posts: 13 Member
    I have the same problem...the way I deal with it is by eating a distracting food. My favorite is sunflower seeds. They are low in calories, have only 3 carbs per serving, take a long time to eat, and fill you up fast. If I'm thinking abo sweets I'll turn on the tv and start eating sunflower seeds (the kind with the shells) and then after just a few minutes I've already lost my appetite! If you give in to your craving and eat a small sweet, you'll just want more. And then you'll feel guilty.
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    thanks everyone- lots of ideas- I don't necessarily crave sweets- just substance. may be that I just look for the comfort foods- I often wake up several times a night as well due to other reasons- and this definitely doesn't help. I eat 3 satisfying meals a day, and I don't deprive myself of a snack if I need one. Fiber is definitely NOT my issue- if anything I get too much, lol, I always have oatmeal in am, fiberbars for snack if needed, and I am careful w/my carbs - eating whole grains. I seriously feel full throughout the day- only once 9, 10 or 11pm hits. crazy- maybe its psychological too. I will not hesitate to try a small snack. The shakes and other food suggestions sound great!