How do you think technology changes a child?

Reply @ my BLOG

My mother had to be the most independent daughter of 15 brothers and sisters growing up. She bought her own house at 16,was the first woman in her village to own a license and drive, and the first daughter out of 7 to leave to the United States. You couldnt tell her nothing. It was her against the world (World is yours) and she concurred it at her own pace. She raised me with that same mentality. You work for you what you want and you get all you need ! Now, How do you think a 10 year old feels when she is taught to be independent at that age? (Rhetorical question) She starts to show no emotions, creates a go getter mentality, and has an attitude with anyone who comes between her goals and passion. Independent taught to early or to harshly?

Use this same example with technology.

How do you think technology changes a child? Should a 10 year old girl get a iphone, MacBook Pro, and every HP tablet out? Can this action change the child’s maturity level and attitude towards the world? Is it the same as letting your 10 year old son shave or 10 year old daughter be independent enough to run a house hold alone? (you are probably wondering where in the hell did I intertwine media and my personal life. But remember my live is media, communications, technology, and advertising. So be prepared to get these questions thrown in the middle of my mix. After all this blog is a class assigment)lol!

To me, it is the same. I feel that being taught to be misses little independent so young is the same as me having a laptop in my room at 10.(which is dangerous especially with all these molesters and freaks on the web. To much SVU) My mother protected me from technology but the same affect I could of gotten from it, is the same one I got learning that being strong is great at a young age. (kuddos to my mother because if it wasnt for her I may not even be half of the woman I am today)

Anyways Food for thought! off to bed!


  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    I have 7 children... yep... seven.

    Youngest is now straight A student as a Jr in HS... others are all in college or graduate school or graduated. My 5 boys are all Eagle Scouts, and my girls are not a wit behind them.

    Technology is good in LIMITED doses.

    We had ONE computer and they could only use it for an hour UNLESS they were doing a homework assignment.
    We had a chore chart that worked most of the time... lol
    TV was also limited and on days they were out of school, they had limits on time for technology leaving time for traditional play, etc
    My 16 year old daughter has a cell phone so I can keep track of her, its for my convenience and her safety, and she knows that.
    We did not allow game players for the most part, but did buy and encourage the use of educational games on the computer.
    We always had parental controls in effect.

    Tech is good, when monitored and limited.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i think the main issue here is sexism.

    thats at the bottom line of this..change everything you said to 10 yr old male..and then suddenly everything is ok..

    like you even said "little miss independant"..and its stated as a negative, not a positive.
    and its more like anything with kids..its up to the parents to utlimately determine if their childern is mature enough to handle responsibility or technology. face it..some are some arent..whether that is nature or nurture i dont know. probably a bit of both.

    i remember when i was a kid, our parents would let us ride our bikes into town to hang out at the pizza place and play video games..that may be hard to do today, but we were young, but we handled it. you gonna say that is too much for a child to handle? maybe today, but not then..its got to all be put in persepective relative to current times and situations
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    i think the main issue here is sexism.

    thats at the bottom line of this..change everything you said to 10 yr old male..and then suddenly everything is ok..

    like you even said "little miss independant"..and its stated as a negative, not a positive.
    and its more like anything with kids..its up to the parents to utlimately determine if their childern is mature enough to handle responsibility or technology. face it..some are some arent..whether that is nature or nurture i dont know. probably a bit of both.

    i remember when i was a kid, our parents would let us ride our bikes into town to hang out at the pizza place and play video games..that may be hard to do today, but we were young, but we handled it. you gonna say that is too much for a child to handle? maybe today, but not then..its got to all be put in persepective relative to current times and situations

    I agree... AND I remember walking down a 4 lane busy street, AFTER dark to the LIQUOR store to buy soda and candy... often! YIKES!