Ripped In 30 Days - Starting 9/21/11

I will be wrapping up 30 Day Shred on 9/20/11 and moving right into Ripped In 30 Days starting on 9/21/11.

I thought I would see if anyone else out there would like to also begin Ripped on the same day.

Let's see what we can do in 30 days!


  • bonogul
    bonogul Posts: 96 Member
    whats your plan on accomplishing your goal. perhaps i can join u
  • I am starting it tonight! I want to drop 15 pounds by Halloween.
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    whats your plan on accomplishing your goal. perhaps i can join u

    Well, I guess I'll just be following the the disk going through all 4 levels at 7 days per level.

    I did check out the diet plan that you can download, but I have some reservations about the cost of the food. This will require some looking into! I will most likely work out my own menu and try to keep it somewhat in line with the JM menu, i.e. lean protiens, a balance of carbs, etc.

    My "after" 30DS pics will serve as my "before" RI30D pics. I will be taking measurements and noting them. If there's enough interest we can do a weekly check-in to talk about progress.

    Any one else interested in starting Ripped In 30 Days on 9/21/11??
  • konswela
    konswela Posts: 137 Member
    I am on Day 3 of Ripped in 30.. WOW!!! It is great!!! My friend and I started on the same day.. Jillian is a female beast I am so freaking sore.. It also comes with a free 30day meal plan as well. I am not sure if the 30 day shred did. My friend and I were planning on getting 30 day Shred but since Ripped in 30 was her new release we decided on that.. Have fun guys/gals!!!
  • konswela
    konswela Posts: 137 Member
    Yes i agree that the meals on the free 30 day meal plan are a bit pricey. My friend and I are just taking bits and pieces of the foods and subsituting our own food..
  • jayme03
    jayme03 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm starting on the 19th, and can't wait!! :)
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Two days and Ripped In 30 begins!
  • mouthofthesouth
    mouthofthesouth Posts: 11 Member
    I am on day two of ripped in 30...good luck. I was sore this morning from day 1. Should be interesting :-)