still fairly new but I have a sodium question

So I am having an issue with my sodium being out of control! Everything else is fine for the day but my sodium is waaaaay more than it should be. Are other people having this issue? I know some of it is my fault by not choosing the right foods, and that was really only once. (I had chili from wendys) What should I do to try and bring it under control besides watching how much of it I intake? Thanks in advance for your help!


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,098 Member
    Eat whole foods. Shop the perimeter of the store.

    Don't eat restaurant food.

    No deli meat or prepared foods like frozen dinners, premade sauces, boxed or bagged crackers, snacks, etc.
  • Dolphingirlie81
    Stay away from processed food and fast food.
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    No fast food, and limit how much processed food you consume (as others have said). I eat VERY low sodium during the day, so I can have sodium at dinner (hubby won't go as low as I've been lately -- plus he loves sushi w/soy sauce).

    Also, increase your water drinking. It will help to flush out that sodium. When I have higher sodium days, I drink between 5 and 6 liters of water (not a hardship since I normally drink 4-5 liters per day).
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    Unfortunately, it is as the others say. The more processed and prepared foods that you eat, the worse the sodium levels. Even if its fat free, they add salt and sugar to make them taste better. I acutally have the opposite problem you have. I am a raw foodist/vegan and rarely get enough sodim. I know, its a pain, but the more you prepare your own meals, the more natural foods you can eat, the better. Another plus, fruits and veggies are low in calories, high in fiber and natural water so you fill up faster, stay satisfied longer. Another thing to do is to drink a ton of water. It helps to flush the body. Rule of thumb, half your body weight in water i.e. if you weigh 150 lbs, drink a minimum of 75 oz of water. Thats before what you need to replenish sweat from exercise. Good luck. Baby steps, don't feel you need to change over night. This is a long journey, not a short trip to the quick shop! :wink:
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    I had to watch sodium due to high blood pressure issues. Big things I found with foods were the 'low fat' versions of everything are higher in salt to replace the flavour taken out by having less fat in it. Dr did say if you are exercising, it's easier for your body to get rid of the fat in foods rather than the salt. Do seek advice from your Doctor though. May be other underlying reasons it's high. Cheers