Inspiration Friday!

What inspires you??? Is it something or someone that motivates and inspires you?? Today is the day to show MFP what or who inspires you!

NYC 2012 is my inspiration!


  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    my little monkeys
  • <--- Me! I am my own inspiration.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I inspire myself
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    <-- They have been from the start... last year at football I could hardly keep up with the kids during practice... now I am having them chase me for laps.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    <--- I am.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    <--- This skirt. I wanna look cute in it while I skate.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Being 50. I want to look GOOD, not just good for my age.
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    Ummmm, let"s see who inspires me....hmmmm I know! You lost over 200 pounds! YOU inspire me, thanks!
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    < ~~~ ♥My Inspiration♥ ~ one of my bff's, (like) a younger sister at her first competition ~ she took 5th place, but I think she deserved 1st, in my honest opinion. She inspired me to get into this working out, eating better lifestyle change. Had it not been for going to her show, I would not be here on MFP today, nor would I be doing my 1st show in November. So many thanks to Melissa (Miss Peabody) for rocking it out and making me want to see how far I could push myself, too.
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    i dont know,:indifferent: i had motivation,
    :frown: i had a bridesmaid dress that i worked really hard to look good in. it worked.
    the wedding is over and the dress isn't my motivation anymore.::frown:
    had a few sad times recently and really lost all motivation, and am barely starting back again...

    i don't know what my motivation is anymore...:frown:

    i'm sad now.:cry:
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    <<~~~ my little cutie pies they inspire me to be my better self

    I have to add, all of my Amazing MFP friends continue to inspire me to keep going when I want to give up.

    I am grateful for both of my families
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    <~~~~~~ One of my inspirations, my 14 year old son. I want to live a long happy life with him. He has inspired me so much that I became a runner. He loves running so much. His first year in high school he is on the cross country team and he is there #1 runner and the team is all grades up to seniors. He is 6'3” already so his long legs give him an advantage.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    This guy right here inspires me to no end.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    <--- My inspirations. Sir Ranulph Fiennes and Ryan Giggs.

    At 60 years of age and only 4 months after a heart bypass operation. Ranulph Fiennes ran 7 marathons in 7 days in 7 different countries. At 65 years of age he climbed Mount Everest.

    Ryan Giggs is just 3 months younger than me. He is in his 21st year as a professional football player and there is still no sign of him slowing down.

    I want to be even half as fit as either of them.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    <--- I don't want to be turned into a skin suit for a creepy man who has bad hair and a weird little dog.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    <--- I don't want to be turned into a skin suit for a creepy man who has bad hair and a weird little dog.


  • <<<<
    Proving to myself that I can finally be proud of what I look like and post pics like this and others I never would have dreamed of inspires me!
  • Reneda
    Reneda Posts: 140
    My daughter... my inspiration!
  • Well, YOU are a major inspiration to me. Along with Lori, and a bunch of my MFP friends. When I'm feeling down I come here and just reading about all the exercise that my friends are doing inspires me to get out there and get my walk in, even when I'd rather not. I feel mentally like I'm becoming an athlete, even though my body doesn't really look the part ... yet!! I'm also continuously inspired by my sister, my husband, my niece in Fla., my friend Cheryl, and my friends at church that know I'm trying to get healthy. My WW friends kind of inspire me, but nothing like my friends here at MFP. I'm so very thankful for this site and the encouragement I receive (and hopefully give) here. :heart: