Calling All Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.



  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Does Army Reserves count? And does this only apply to American Military personnel? :bigsmile:

    Before joining the police I spent 6 years in the Army Reserves. I reached the dizzy heights of the rank of Corporal. Was trained on:
    .303 No 4 Lee Enfield
    7.62mm FN FAL
    .303 Mk 3 Bren Light Machine Gun
    5.56mm Steyr AUG
    9mm Gustav Sub-machine gun
    9mm Browning Hi-Power
    60mm short-barrel mortar
    80mm Long barrel mortar
    84mm Carl Gustav Anti-Tank Weapon

    1988 - 1994.
    C Company, 7th Infantry Battalion, F.C.A.
    (F.C.A. = Fórsa Cosanta Áitiúil - the Irish title for the Reserve Defence Forces)

    **edited to add the Steyr and the Bren. I'm getting forgetful in my old age. :laugh:
    I was in the reserves during two transitions. I joined as they started phasing out the Lee Enfield and was leaving as they started phasing in the Steyr.
  • nettie1969
    I am joining this one whether you want me or not... to keep that international flavour!

    I did 7 years in the Australian Army (1989-1996) and left on a disability pension. My dad did 40+ years service before me...

    Put on about 70 kilos after leaving and managed to loose 50 of it and kept it off for the last 3 or 4 years but health issues still keep coming back. I need to loose another 20kg (keep yo-yo ing with 10 of them! ).

    I have shin splints and compartment syndrome so running is out until i have lost more weight and even just walking causes me great pain!

    I do miss being "yelled" at by my instructor to "push past the pain" - call me sadistic if you will - so feel free to yell at me all you like. Add me as a MFP friend and use my status to keep me motivated (please)... I have turned into a real sook and miss the fighting me!

    Good luck to all
  • Scott_Derrick
    ran the marathon in 4:30 :D

    Wow!!!! Much Respect. That is what I'm talking about.
  • Scott_Derrick
    OK Folks,

    OK Folks. Here is what I'm thinking about. Since we are so close to October we should start seriously October 1st. We can do some mini goals until then but I want to call it "The Hunt For The Red October Burn".

    A reference to one of my favorite movies. ;-)

    Here is the war plan:

    >>>>> Work out and burn at least 500 calories a day Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    >>>>>On Tuesday and Thursday burn at least 750.

    >>>>>Also no going over your calorie count at all for the month period!

    Everyone should muster in on September 30th by 1900 Hrs. Report Weight. Measure Neck, chest and stomach and give measurements in pounds and inches.

    You must report calorie intake and exercise daily.

    All leave must be reported 24 hours in advance.

    We must remember that we are at war with our minds and our bodies. We must be bound together with one common goal. Win the war and take the enemy captive. Lets push and encourage one another! We must be driven to succeed or face possible early death. We must not let the enemy take this hill.

    Defend it at all cost. If you don't have a battle buddy, pick one and build a relationship with him or her. We need each other.

    This weeks "Mini Goal" for me is to stay at or under my calorie count every day and to burn at least 500 calories a day. I have some challenges because I am a disabled veteran. I have toes that are basically missing from my right foot and cause problems with my walking. I am determined to meet this goal and push through the physical pain. Hopefully I'll soon have a elliptical trainer to take the strain off my foot but until.....

    Lets Roll!!!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Everyone should muster in on September 30th by 1900 Hrs. Report Weight. Measure Neck, chest and stomach and give measurements in pounds and inches

    This Sgt would like to suggest that our female warriors track and report on their hip measurements instead of changes in our décolletage ;) It would probably be a more... appropriate indicator of changing body composition.

    DreamLittleDarling, would you be my battle buddy?
  • IsisRosa
    IsisRosa Posts: 57 Member
    It's funny that I found this post because my main goal is to get to my Military weight. I left the Air Force after 7 years and promptly gained 20 pounds. I had a baby a year ago and that didn't help my waistline one bit. I've lost all of my baby weight and am back to those pesky civilian pounds.

    My goal is to workout 6 days a week. 3 cardio and 3 strength. Right now I burn about 330 calories on the elliptical. Oct 1 sounds like a good start day to turn things up a notch.
  • nettie1969
    Sounds good to me but I have a couple of questions

    1. What time zone are you in? I need to know your GMT +/- so I can work when you want 'muster' otherwise I will be here by myself a day early.

    2. Sierramoon - would you like to be my training buddy?

    3. So, can I stay?

    And, yes Scott I will do the conversions for you all .... lol
  • Scott_Derrick
    Everyone should muster in on September 30th by 1900 Hrs. Report Weight. Measure Neck, chest and stomach and give measurements in pounds and inches

    This Sgt would like to suggest that our female warriors track and report on their hip measurements instead of changes in our décolletage ;) It would probably be a more... appropriate indicator of changing body composition.

    DreamLittleDarling, would you be my battle buddy?

    @Swimgoddess, Whatever measurement you want to take is find with me. The reason I chose this measurement is that I've been told that females lose weight in their chest fairly rapidly before anywhere else on their bodies. My goal is that no one gets discouraged if they don't see a change on the scales.

    I also plan on getting more conditioned in my chest so I wanted to gauge my progress.

    Good thoughts...carry on.
  • Scott_Derrick
    Sounds good to me but I have a couple of questions

    1. What time zone are you in? I need to know your GMT +/- so I can work when you want 'muster' otherwise I will be here by myself a day early.

    2. Sierramoon - would you like to be my training buddy?

    3. So, can I stay?

    And, yes Scott I will do the conversions for you all .... lol

    @ Nettie1969, you are included in the ALL. Welcome Aboard! You ready to fight for your life?
  • nettie1969
    i am soooo ready for this ... Not! But am psyching myself up to it...

    Don't forget that your job is to get on my wall and yell at me ... okay ask me very nicely if I have completed my days assignment! lol
  • IsisRosa
    IsisRosa Posts: 57 Member

    2. Sierramoon - would you like to be my training buddy?

    Thanks Nettie, I would love that!
  • Eric184
    Hey Scott!

    Active Duty Army EOD here! Following an injury in AFG I was sent to a TRADOC staff position and the pounds started coming on…. I have some limitations, but am holding up pretty good I think :-) Tips and Advice from all are always welcome. Take care,

  • nettie1969
    Well, it is actually 2125 on 30/09/2011 so technically I am late for muster ... lol

    But i am so ready for this (even managed 500+ cals twice this week). It will be a struggle for me to achieve this but I am ready to give it my very very best.

    Stats are as of this morning ....

    Weight: 83.2kg or 183.4 lbs
    neck: 37cm or 14"
    waist: 93cm or 36"
    belly: 113cm or 44"
    hips: 111cm or 43"
    bum: 119cm or 47"

    See, I've got great curves - just in all the wrong places! :)

    I have picked a couple of extra measurements coz different people call the waist something different and I couldn't really find a definite way to determine exactly where to measure.... besides pretty obvious to me that belly (round the navel and my trouble spot), hips and bum (widest part) are the areas that I want to focus on. Also I wasn't sure how to report parts of inches so have just stuck to the nearest number..... I love metric so much easier!!! but i guess it is what you are used to.

    A couple of questions .... no goal/challenge set for Sat and Sun. Are these rest days???? Personally, I will still be aiming for around 300cals on these days anyway. What will everyone else be doing. And I assume you still want these reported.

    The no going over calories part - that is after we add back exercise cals isn't it?

    And finally, I work in an office and am chained to my desk most of the day but do try to do regular little walks throughout the day around the office. To track these I wear a pedometre and have worked a basic conversion of 2500 steps per it cheating to add these into my cals for exercise each day? I track any other 'purposeful' exercise (such as 30 minute power walk at lunchtime and my other strength and cardio training separately too). Note: I have my MFP set to sedentary so get a very low cal allowance per day....

    i am also limited in what exercise I can do due to injuries I got whilst in the Army but am doing as much as I can each day so my schedule will be pretty boring until I get a bit fitter.

    Good luck all. I look forward to seeing the variety of exercises you come up with and will be stealing some ideas from y'all.
  • MissMichellemybelle
    Ok, here we go.

    Took my PFA today actually, so I am definitely in "move your a**" mode.

    160.4 (weighed today on MY scale. The detachment scale said 156, which was awesome! But I'll stick with mine..)

    Waist: 31 in
    Chest: 34 in.
    Hips/Booty: 40in.

    Ready to kick my running up. Have a 10k on Oct 23, and potentially a half in February. Let's do it!
  • kartel99
    kartel99 Posts: 14 Member
    I am a little behind on joining for the Red October Burn, but definitely count me in for whatever is in store for November.

    A little about me - Active duty AF of 15 years; married with 3 children.

    I am currently deployed and will be returning home in about a week. This deployment has not been kind to my diet, and I also started a weight training routine. I started the deployment at 180 and am currently sitting at 192. I know that the added muscle accounts for some of the weight gain, but I still have more to lose.
  • Legalchica
    OK just saw this today.. too late to join? Active Army for 13+ years here. desk job with NO organized PT at my current location. Add me I'm always looking for like minded friends to help lose the weight and get stronger :)
  • LadyBugLex17
    LadyBugLex17 Posts: 146 Member
    USAF Active Duty. I want to get my 1.5 mile runtime down into 10s! eventually score a 100% on PTA! ADD ME :)