Breaking the scale @ the doctor's office..with a hammer!

Had to have a biopsy on a uterine polyp (sorry, probably tmi) and of course needed to be weighed before the procedure. Not only did the tech yell out my weight, which always horrifies me, but she announced "wow, you've gained three lbs since you were here in early August"!
Complete mortification and incredibily bummed out after that incident. I have been way way better, not perfect, but waaaay better about my eating in the past two weeks so I find it unbelievable that I have actually GAINED weight!
Along with feelinng frustrated and wanting to eat something I shouldn't, I am sad about how much control this stupid # on their scale has over me.
I am in a complete funk and just want to crawl under the covers and sleep the day away. I am, however, not going to do that.
Finally, I did tell my ob/gyn (who I adore) about the tech's poor performance at the scale and he immediately took care of it by calling her supervisor into his office and making sure that she understood the sensitive nature of weighing people and then blurting out the #.
Oh well..just wanted to share. Thanks for reading. Maybe today with get better.


  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    sorry you had to go through that.hope she gets an ear full from her boss.try not to let this get you down.use it and workout give it your all make it an motivation if that makes any sense hope everything at the appointment went well.
  • sharonus
    I never pay attention to the scale at the doctor's office. If it says I'm within five pounds of what I think I should weigh, I'm happy. I'm normally wearing *some* clothes and have eaten, which is unlike how I normally weigh myself (naked and first thing in the morning).

    That doesn't mean the tech wasn't rude, however. Good for you for telling your doctor about it rather than keeping it inside to fester. You're saving some of the patients who will come after you from this frustration. :)
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    It was totally unprofessional for that tech to say anything about your weight, much less yelling it out. I am so sorry.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    You've probably gained some muscle. Don't sweat it. :-)

    I think she should have not announced your weight to the world though -- how embarrassing!