My Intro

Here I go again. I'm a 69 year old mother and grandmother, interested in lots of things, but have been in a rut lately.

If I follow the recommended weight charts, I should lose over 70 pounds, but at my age, I think that is an unrealistic goal. I'd be happy with a 30 pound loss, but perhaps if I lose 30, I'll want to continue on the journey. I know if I go on a sensible food plan and stick to it, I can lose weight. I've done it so many times before and then re-gained the losses, so that I am burnt out from even trying sometimes. But all these battles with my weight have taken a toll on me, and I am now facing some health issues that can be turned around if I finally face up to the truth and take some positive action. So I'll start here and give it a try. I don't have an iphone, just my laptop, so tracking might be more of a challenge, but at the very least I will write everything down and enter it later.



  • lt1825
    I think the trick is to not think about the fact that you should lose 70 pounds. Just take it day by day and do the best you can and try not to get discouraged if you have an off day. I don't have an iPhone either, just an iPod so I'm also going to be writing down everything I eat and drink and the workouts I do and then add them in when I get a chance. Good luck. :-)