My PCOS Story



  • catrojas
    catrojas Posts: 53 Member
    ! Has anyone else ever had this problem? If so, did your doctor actually give you a reason to why it happens? this anything anyone with PCOS has experienced?

    I've never heard of this on any of the PCOS boards that I visit. have you tried searching on the web for a reason?
  • xMissAprilx
    xMissAprilx Posts: 143 Member
    Oh yes, many many times! I never find any useful information.
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks for posting! I am also a PCOS-er, and I didn't get any dietary advice when I was diagnosed. My doctor just put me on some medication that made me feel terrible. I went off it and another doctor told me that the dosage she'd given me was obscene. So, I'm trying to deal with it through diet and BC. BC is rotten, but I've been on it since I was eighteen due to terrible cramps and fevers at that TOM, so I've mostly made peace with it. I'm sorry to hear that beans and dairy are not recommended. Those are two of my favorite food categories. In fact, the lunch I'm making now contains both. :(

    Don't worry you don't have to go completely crazy with your diet to lose weight with pcos. Both beans and dairy are great sources of protein, and balancing those with carbs is what is the most important thing. I have lost over 60 pounds still eating dairy. I understand the whole clean eating thing, and that's great for some people, but I'm just here to let you know I did it without cutting out all that stuff. I have found that what seems to be effective for me is always eating protein with your carbs, and just using wholegrain whenever possible.
  • Sammybunny711
    Sammybunny711 Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks for posting! I am also a PCOS-er, and I didn't get any dietary advice when I was diagnosed. My doctor just put me on some medication that made me feel terrible. I went off it and another doctor told me that the dosage she'd given me was obscene. So, I'm trying to deal with it through diet and BC. BC is rotten, but I've been on it since I was eighteen due to terrible cramps and fevers at that TOM, so I've mostly made peace with it. I'm sorry to hear that beans and dairy are not recommended. Those are two of my favorite food categories. In fact, the lunch I'm making now contains both. :(

    Don't worry you don't have to go completely crazy with your diet to lose weight with pcos. Both beans and dairy are great sources of protein, and balancing those with carbs is what is the most important thing. I have lost over 60 pounds still eating dairy. I understand the whole clean eating thing, and that's great for some people, but I'm just here to let you know I did it without cutting out all that stuff. I have found that what seems to be effective for me is always eating protein with your carbs, and just using wholegrain whenever possible.

    I too have found that dairy and beans are great for the diet IF they are eaten in moderation--for instance, I try not to eat dairy unless it is an S day (see my first post on No S) or if it is in the presence of my husband, close family, or friends. Starches I treat the same way. It is a great way to limit it without giving it too much thought. :o)
  • stargirl99
    It's great to see so many PCOSers on the boards ('s not great that we have PCOS, but it IS great that we have such support! :-) Diet has been an awesome way to treat this illness. Trust me, diet MUST be combined with BC or any other methods of medication you try to use. You cannot use medication alone or you are putting yourself at greater risk for diabetes and infertility issues (this is all in my opinion, of course, please don't think of me as an expert). I have just really seen so many people use diet as a way to naturally treat this an come out on top.

    Here are some REALLY helpful links/blogs concerning PCOS or Nutrition (sometimes both!):

    Most of these are in my google reader and if they aren't, they have helped me in the past! There is a wealth of information particularly about nutrition on these blogs! Have fun!

    Thanks for these links, have loads of great info there. Have saved them all to have a proper read later. It's always great to have new info that might help with PCOS symptoms and the ultimate goal of losing weight!
  • Sammybunny711
    Sammybunny711 Posts: 92 Member
    Glad the links were helpful! I have found them tremendously helpful, myself. :o)