living the liefe of a single parent but have the love and jo

yes, only military wives (or husbands) can say that. Only we understand what single parents go through and yet can also say we are happily married and our husbadns help as much as they can.

I took my son to eat lunch yesterday at the mall, he is 2 and I have to do a lot of on the spot attitude correction, not much just things like wipe your mouth and eat you food,ect. I heard this elderly couple only one table away say sometihng about young moms and single parents. I didn't pay it much attention. I was not going to let it ruin my lunch with my son.

Then they start staring at me and when I look over they smile, then look at each other and whisper (they think they are whispering at least). This does kinda bother me, I think that ther is notihng worng with being a single parent, my husband was a single father for years. I do understand some peopes opinions about young moms and dads, teen parenting is not ideal.

Well, they continued to talk, oblivious to the fact that what you see is not really what is going on. And that I am a person, and a good mom (if I wasn't I would just let my kids run around and never be diciplined) and that I have feelings. We go to pay at the same time and I could not help myself, the lady kept smiling at my son like poor kid with his unwed mother. I really bothered me.

I looked at them and said, "I heard you talking, I am married not that it is any of your business and my husband is in the military. He is training right now so parden his absence. I just thought you might want to know that I am 22, have 4 kids and we are fostering/adopting 3 more as we speak. i do not often get the chance to take my 2 year old out and really just wanted to enjoy my lunch with him. So, maybe now you can go on about your day and feel better."

They didn't say anything and I figured that I may have said too much, I went from shop to shop with my little one in tow. I was waitinf for the elevator and they happened to come out. I put my head down and planned on just waiting until they left. Then the old lady says, "Honey you are right, I should not have been talking about you. You sound like a very nice young lady and I just think you should know that I tihnk you are doing a great job for you being so young."

Ya, that was the first time ever that someone has actually admitted their wrong to me, it was nice. I use to get a lot of looks when my husband was deployed and I had 3 kids when I was 18. Do any of the other military wives on here ever face the same problems? Single parents too, what do you commonly face?

pardon my typos, my son is on my lab and likes to slap the keyboard, lol


  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I get a lof of looks. Especially since I don't look my age, and my children are so close in age.

    I guess it helps they look exactly alike.

    I try not to pay attention to what other people are doing though, I'm usually busy keeping them from beating eachother with whatever toy they picked out.
  • livnlite
    Wow .. what a great story. THank you for sharing. I'm glad you had the opportunity to speak up. (Not that I think you should have to..You shouldn't HAVE to explain yourself to ANYONE).

    People can be sooo close minded and judgemental. It was unspeakably rude of them to stare at you, and talk about you loud enough so that you could hear them. I'm thinking, they were trying to make a point in their 'judgement' of you, but speaking so that you COULD hear. Tacky .. REALLLLY Tacky.

    But .. after your explanation, perhaps they got the so called 'slap in the face' they needed .. which made them actually think about what they had done..and how they actually treated a complete stranger. Good for you, honey! You handled that beautifully!
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    I get a lof of looks. Especially since I don't look my age, and my children are so close in age.

    I guess it helps they look exactly alike.

    I try not to pay attention to what other people are doing though, I'm usually busy keeping them from beating eachother with whatever toy they picked out.

    ya, that does help. Then the young girl at the shoes store in the mall had enough nerve to aks if all my kids had the same dad. I just said yes, I didn't want to explain the different moms, me being one of them. Families come in all shapes and sizes, mine is perfect the way that it is a big mixed mess, lol. Thank you for sharing!
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    Wow .. what a great story. THank you for sharing. I'm glad you had the opportunity to speak up. (Not that I think you should have to..You shouldn't HAVE to explain yourself to ANYONE).

    People can be sooo close minded and judgemental. It was unspeakably rude of them to stare at you, and talk about you loud enough so that you could hear them. I'm thinking, they were trying to make a point in their 'judgement' of you, but speaking so that you COULD hear. Tacky .. REALLLLY Tacky.

    But .. after your explanation, perhaps they got the so called 'slap in the face' they needed .. which made them actually think about what they had done..and how they actually treated a complete stranger. Good for you, honey! You handled that beautifully!

    Thank you, it was hard for me to speak up but I am glad I did also, thank you for your post, that made me feel good!
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I get a lof of looks. Especially since I don't look my age, and my children are so close in age.

    I guess it helps they look exactly alike.

    I try not to pay attention to what other people are doing though, I'm usually busy keeping them from beating eachother with whatever toy they picked out.

    ya, that does help. Then the young girl at the shoes store in the mall had enough nerve to aks if all my kids had the same dad. I just said yes, I didn't want to explain the different moms, me being one of them. Families come in all shapes and sizes, mine is perfect the way that it is a big mixed mess, lol. Thank you for sharing!

    I think it's awesome you stuck up for yourself.
    I'd dare somebody to come at me with that BS today!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    oh i had something similar happen only she said to my face and i said look lady first off u need manners 2nd off i have a husband he is both of my kids father and he is deployed fighting for your freedom. and she just looked at me shocked. people r so rude sometimes.