I'm new. Need Help!

So I'm about 2 weeks new to my fitness pal and so far everything is working how it should be. I do have a few questions though.
First, does my fitness pal say anything about going over other things such as sodium and sugar? I am haing a problem with both of those areas. Normally its sugar that I go over in because I eat at least 2 pieces of fruit per day and then usually I'm over. Sodium is not as big of a problem for me, occasionally I will go over but thats it.

So I guess my question is does my fitness pal help people loose weight based on calories in versus calories out alone?

My other question invloves what you read when you go to "Goals" it gives you calories "For normal daily activity" what exactley does this mean? MIne says 2,020 calories from normal daily actiivity, and then it says my daily goalto consume is 1,540, creating a deficit of 480 to loose 1 lb per week. So maybe I just answered my own question. Is it saying that with normal daily activity I burn 2,020 calories a day.. or is that the amount I could eat per day to not loose any weight? This is confusing me so much, maybe others have the same question?

I also did this 2,020 x 7 days = 14,140 consumed in a week to loose NO weight.
But if I eat 1,540 x 7 days = I'll only be eating 10,780 calories a week.

Thus creating a deficit of 3,360 calories per week. (14,140 - 10,780 = 3,360)

Can someone explain why I can't figure this out? I then don't know how the Total calories burned for the week comes into play, all I know is that I need to eat back those calories because they get added back into the amount I'm allowed for the day. And that makes sense because you need to feed your body after a workout.

Please let me know if any of this needs clarification. I really just want to understand the math!


  • mf06861
    I just realized that 3,360 divided by 7 is a deficit of 480 calories per day ( and thats what my fitness pal is already calculating for me to not eat). So I think I sort of get it, I'm not really sure what I'm confused about. I'm just wondering has anyone else gotten confused by all the numbers?

    I've also noticed that in the 2 weeks I've been doing this my "calories for normal daily activity" has gone down by 20. And I want to understand what that means. It's obvioulsy re calculating my needs but why!
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    You seem to have the math right so I am not sure what you are confused about :)

    As you lose weight, your body will need fewer calories to maintain and to lose. MFP adjusts every time you enter a new weight into the "check in".

    I always go over in sugar because I eat a lot of fruit. Fruit is mostly water, high in fiber, sweet, delicious, and full of vitamins. Plus it is a natural source of sugar that is less easily digested and will not cause additional food cravings like some unnatural (or unhealthy) sugar sources. I eat all the fruit I want. A doctor said that I could, and I like that advice!

    I track sodium because mainly it makes your body retain water, which affects how much you weigh. I don't have any health issues that necessitate a low sodium diet. It is surprising and easy to notice that packaged foods and eating at restaurants will BLOW UP your sodium intake whereas whole grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, and homemade foods will not.

    Best of luck and good for you for starting with MFP. It is sooo helpful :)