Party Over Here!

I'm having a little get together in about a week and I would love to have some good snacks on hand. I'm not so much a chip eater and knowing that wouldn't be such a great idea for me, I need some extra input. I had someone give me some great insight, so besides from veggies and maybe a veggie dip, what else can you think of? I was thinking maybe making some mini sandwiches and have some low-fat popcorn on hand, but what else? I don't want to get bored with the options either. I know the get together isn't just about the food, but we're going to be up really late and we all know what happens when it's late at night and you're watching a movie or two...or three.

And speaking of movies, do you know of any GOOD ones..without sex scenes and a billion cuss words?

Thanks. :]


  • alyssaVDL90
    Try they have tons of options to choose from!
    Just look under the appetizers category.
  • mwelch1105
    check out Gina's Skinny's great low-cal recipes, and they are delicious! I love going to her for ideas!