Tears and Fears

I have been on and off this site for almost a year now. I am in serious need of motivation. I absolutely HATE the way I look and feel but I feel so helpless! We are very busy people and I'm just exhausted when I get home. I turn to food when I am happy, sad, and stressed. The more I eat, the more I feel helpless to do anything about it. The more helpless I feel, the less I can get up and do something. Any ideas?


  • for_a_mittengrl
    for_a_mittengrl Posts: 93 Member
    Find a motivation factor. A piece of clothing, a vacation and upcoming event or just focus on your want to be healthy (that's a large enough motivator right there) You have to be in the right mind set and believe in yourself that you can do this, take this journey for yourself and change. :) Take it a day at a time, or an hour at a time. Once you get into it, it (for the most part becomes easier) It won't be easy all the time, and you might need a push (from yourself or other supportive friends and family). If temptation happens and you give into it, it's ok. You are human and you can start fresh and healthy again the next day. :)

    Good luck to you and feel free to add me if you'd like. :)
  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
    Consider taking small steps to move you closer to the person you want to be. My suggestion for a first step is to drink more than 8 cups of water a day. It will help clean out your system in a healthy way, give you energy without a caffeine buzz and will help attune your body to the difference between hungry and thirsty. Try it for a week. When you are comfortable with that, take another step. There's no hurry. Remember: it's about the quality of your life.
  • The best advice I can give is just do it. I posted my "want to look like" pictures in the kitchen, my office, anywhere that I would snack....then when I reached goal, now I hang my before pictures to remind me not to go back.

    You need to find other ways to cope with feelings....walk, talk to a friend, anything but food!!! I know it is hard, TRUST ME!

    It takes 21 days to create a habit....wake up 15 min earlier....do squats, walk around the block...anything to start the moving process....remind yourself that YOU ARE worth it....YOU DESERVE IT!!! MAKE time....

    I know your exhausted at night, there are many nights I am too, but I still force myself to do at least 20 min of SOMETHING so that I can say I did it....and honestly, I feel so empowered when I accomplished it, then you start being proud...

    Once you realize you CAN do it you will WANT to do it......
  • Thanks!:smile: