Need some reassurance

I've been actively doing the MFP thing for 10 days now and I really feel great. I've posted about my new approach to losing weight: I'm making sure I eat back all of the calories I burn from workouts. I also make sure I eat all of my allotted calories for the day. I'm nursing my 6 month old baby so I'm also giving myself an extra 300 calories that I make myself eat. My idea is that if I make myself eat those calories then I won't feel hungry and I will be able to keep this up for the long haul. This is not a diet- it is a lifestyle change.

My approach has been very successful in that is has eliminated my binge eating. I feel like I'm in control of what I eat and so my whole mood is improved. I'm also doing more cardio because it means I get to eat more! The cardio workouts feel great.

So I feel better, and I think I might even look better, but I'm having a hard time convincing myself that I will actually loose 15 pounds with this approach. I've blogged about how I'm a crazy scale lady- I am fascinated with how my weight fluctuates throughout the day and I'm always curious to see how much I weigh. I haven't seen a new low number on the scale for a few days now. Should I reevaluate my approach? I've been working out a lot but I have a hard time buying the "muscle weighs more than fat" excuse.

I want this to work. I'm happy, I'm in control of what I eat, I'm not going over my total calories for the day (plus exercise and nursing). I get 1290 calories a day. If I add 300 for nursing and 400 for a good cardio workout then that is 1990 calories! That is a lot of calories!

I think that this will work ,but that I will lose the weight really really slowly. I'm ok with that- but I hope it actually happens! I guess I'll just have to be patient...


  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    yes! be patient! 2000 calories a day really isn't a lot......besides your body knows that it is nursing that baby, and it might have a tough time letting go of the "reserves" congrats and good luck!