GNC lean shake

has it worked for anyone, as far as losing any weight. If so just how much have you lost ??


  • BlessedandBeautifulBrown
    i didn't try it long because i couldn't stand the gas
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    i did foooorever ago when I was like 16 and new nothing about nutrition. They arent filling, taste like dirt, and dont work
  • munkiesmom
    haven't tried that one but I am drinking the ViSalus Vi-shape shakes and have lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks..check it out on here
  • DarleneT22
    DarleneT22 Posts: 224 Member
    I did the Total lean lean shake to get over a small plateau. I was hovering around the same weight for a month so I bought the shake. I replaced 2 meals a day with the shake but still made sure I ate my 1400 calories. I lost about 5 or 6 lbs in 2 weeks and it got my weight moving again.
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    The Strawberry cream one tastes yummy. Not sure about losing weight with them or not...they're not magical, so one would need the rest of their daily nutrition in check and if that were the case, it would be hard to say was it due to the GNC Lean Shake or because of the rest of your diet.
  • YaredPadilla
    Thank you all for your feed back, i appreciate it very much. i'm going to start taking it because i have also hit a plateau and i'm in desperate need of trying something to get me going :)
  • Starkle09
    Starkle09 Posts: 238 Member
    I drink them sometimes after a workout and sometimes between meals aa a snack. Ive never used them to replace a meal tho. Just a warning the pre mixed ones are lower in calories and have much more protein than the powder. Learned that lesson of getting the powder thinking it was the same. Best of luck to you!