

  • nettie1969
    Going to show my ignorance (or Australianness) what is PB? i only know it as personal best - somehow I don't think that is what you mean... lol
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    Going to show my ignorance (or Australianness) what is PB? i only know it as personal best - somehow I don't think that is what you mean... lol

    It's Peanut Butter

    I lick it off the spoon all the time too :D
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    If the Nutella is left on the counter I HAVE to go into it with a spoon.. but I log it so it's all good ;)
  • mestupscout
    mestupscout Posts: 82 Member
    It's peanut butter. Initials and acronyms get me all the time.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Mine would be... eating things I don't want to log in my food journal, then doing extra exercise to burn off the calories in it and not logging either.

    I used to do the sneaking bites when I was cooking. I remember asking my grandfather for advice on it and he just told me that I should count that as my dinner and not fix myself a plate. That seemed crazy enough that I figured I'b be better off just sticking to my portions and knowing how much I ate. :tongue:
  • JaenaM
    JaenaM Posts: 251 Member
    I don't do it now, but I would take drinks straight from half & half and whipping cream cartons. I could drink a whole pint of whipping cream!

    Now THAT'S impressive!
  • nettie1969
    Going to show my ignorance (or Australianness) what is PB? i only know it as personal best - somehow I don't think that is what you mean... lol

    Thanks all.
  • eh613c
    eh613c Posts: 14 Member
    to this day, I still LICK the PB off the spoon!

    Me too!! :blushing:
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I can outeat my hubby (who's 5'10" and about 250bs). Not only does this impress him when we're together, but he brags about it to friends. All of whom are impressed and a few even find it "hot". lol Buffets and cheat meals are always fun/funny cuz he totally blows out and I end up nibbling off his plates until they take them away (I log everything).

    And once, we went to Disneyland and I ate from park open to park close, on his dime. Normally when we go, I allow myself freedom during the meals, but I drool longingly at all of the amazing bakery and sweets items (other than the churros, I just get the darn churros), but never allow myself to give in. Well, this day, I did. We literally walked out of Carnation Cafe (the place we get breakfast on Main Street) and he went straight to the cotton candy vendor and the day went like that from there. I constantly found myself with food in my hands as if from nowhere. It was glorious and amazing and I had treats at DL I'd only stared at through glass since even before I joined MFP. I was the true definition of fat and happy that day. I ate about 7300 calories that day (from 8am of park open to 12am of park close). I only say about not because I didn't log everything, but because obviously I had to estimate most of it. And no, I was never to a point of truly full. My nickname (created by me) is The Bottomless Pit. heheh

    Oh, and that whole your stomach shrinks thing? So not true. (yes, I know it's always been medically false) But even the idea that once you eat less regularly you'll just adapt to that way of eating, totally not true. I've been counting on MFP since March 2010 and over that time I've actually been able to pack away larger meals and more food in one sitting than I ever could before. All of this is why I usually keep any cheats to just a meal, and try to keep them carefully planned/spaced out. Because if I ever tried a Spike Day Diet kind of thing, that could crazy. :D
  • JaenaM
    JaenaM Posts: 251 Member
    Wolfchild... I love it!!! The true definition of fat and happy...ahhh yes there have been some glorious encounters with food that made being fat worth it. Temporarily at least. I hope u enjoy the he'll out of ur DL trip!!!

    Peanut butter...I love it too but had no idea it was such a common weakness. But SO many peoples confessions were about! Thanks for confessing everyone! Isn't it liberating?
  • themurph8910
    to this day, I still LICK the PB off the spoon!

    This is a snack to me...My husband caught me in the kitchen the other day...I had just got done painting the dining room and was sitting on the kitchen floor taking the cabinet doors off and deciede that I wanted a I got a plastic spoon and drove head first into the jar...I thought he was still he knows my dirty little secret.
  • JaenaM
    JaenaM Posts: 251 Member
    Sometimes I'll go in the pantry and close the door behind me and just go to town on the dried goods. Yeah...had to get the trigger foods out before jumping back on the wagon this time!
  • Darkness2120
    Can of Mountain Dew everyday or a packet of pop-tarts post workout. That's the worst I do.
  • JaenaM
    JaenaM Posts: 251 Member
    Can of Mountain Dew everyday or a packet of pop-tarts post workout. That's the worst I do.

    Well I'd say u earned guilt for u!