Boudoir Photos??

My fiancee and I are getting married June 9th, 2012. I have lost 27 lbs so far, and still have about 34 lbs to lose to be at my GOAL weight of 110. I would be happy between 110-130 though. I guess I will see how I feel when I get there. Anyhow... I have really turned into the girl who doesnt do sexy things anymore. This is mostly caused by the way I feel about myself with all the extra pounds. I am starting to feel better as I have been losing weight, but I want my soon to be husband to see this too. He says he doesnt care how much I weigh, and he loves me no matter what, but I want to bring back the spark that we had years ago. I have been considering a Boudoir photo shoot to give him on our wedding day. Any thoughts? Has anyone done this?? I have become a very shy person about my body, and I am scared that I wont be able to pull it off. Any input would be great!! Thanks!!


  • acaudill042106
    acaudill042106 Posts: 108 Member
    If you're uncomfortable with an actual photographer call up a couple of your girls.....and have a day of it. I have a friend who did some in a jersey of her hubbys fav sports team. You can get a photo program for pretty inexpensive to do any adjustments you'd want...softening and tough ups. (not a photographers so don't know the lingo all that well.) Have fun!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I would need too much airbrushing...
  • babycakes311
    babycakes311 Posts: 12 Member
    I just did this a few weeks ago for my boyfriends birthday. I have been feeling kind of the same way as you with the weight loss and trying to get the "spark" back. I was nervous too and thought about backing out. I am so glad I did it. You will warm up to the camera and feel soooo sexy. Its a 2 for 1 gift. You will get a self esteem boost and your husband to be will love it. I just gave my boyfriend his last week and he keeps smiling. Go for it girl. Let me know how it goes.
  • I say go for it :) I don't have a partner atm but im treating myself with the same thing when I reach my goal weight. You should feel proud of the great acheivements you have made and rock that body :)
  • Yes, I think you should do it, that's an awesome idea! It's a good way to showcase your new body and do something romantic and special for your partner :)
  • You have a lot of time. I would suggest looking for, interviewing, and doing "normal" portraits with potential photographers in your area. Looking through a portfolio will only get you so far. You will see a sample of work, and what style you may be drawn to, but comfort is going to be a huge factor here. I am sure you will know if you will be more comfortable with a male or female, so start with known factors like that.

    I would also suggest looking for a photographer that would be willing to sell you the copyright. This way you won't have to worry about copies floating out there if that makes you uncomfortable.

  • Pinkdueces2
    Pinkdueces2 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I think I'm going to go for it!! I still have ALOT of time to get myself in the best shape possible!! It will be an added motivator as well!! I found a few places in my area and I plan to do some research before choosing one!! Some places are a bit pricey but hey..I will only get married once! And I can never get this time back!! And I'm sure my soon to be hubby will love them!!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    consider carefully. you never know where such things may end up, or into whose hands they may fall someday.
  • One of my very dear friends from HS does boudoir photography and they can be very tasteful yet super sexy! You can choose what style you want and how 'extreme' to go. I've been considering it too, but have no idea what my husband would do or where he would put them. He's a firefighter so he says he would refuse to take them to work in fear of the other guys getting a hold of them, lol! I would totally do it for a wedding gift though!!
  • I've seen some peoples work in their portfolios and they always make the women look natural and sexy. I agree with the majority- go for it and you'll likely feel great about it when you see the end results. And if you really dont like them (which I doubt you would), you dont have to give them to him.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    It would help you bring out your inner RAWR, for sure.

    You'll be glad you did it when you are older. Nice to look back and say, "Look how hot I was!"

    And I wouldn't worry about "where they might end up" if you are remaining covered at least as much as a bikini.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    consider carefully. you never know where such things may end up, or into whose hands they may fall someday.
    LOL! considering many of the avatars and sig photos on MFP I'd say not many have those worries :laugh:
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    consider carefully. you never know where such things may end up, or into whose hands they may fall someday.
    LOL! considering many of the avatars and sig photos on MFP I'd say not many have those worries :laugh:

    Ya, that may be the case, but we older folks tend to be more cautious, since we've had more occasion to see people living down regrets of youthful impulsivity. ha!