New Member/ Staying motivated

Hi I'm new to myfitnesspal and I really want to stay motivated. I'm a vegetarian and I love all fruits and vegetables, so I'm pretty good at keeping a good balanced diet but I'm very lazy when it comes to exercise. Any tips on how to stay motivated? Feel free to add me especially if you don't mind sharing veggie/vegan meal ideas/recipes :)


  • ilyahna
    ilyahna Posts: 96 Member

    This site is actually really good for keeping you motivated for staying on your exercise regime... it's actually why I chose it. It will break down the number of calories per week you need to burn via exercise to reach the goal you choose, so you can see how your efforts tick down daily.

    Believe it or not, some really simple, fun things can be great calorie burners. Have you tried Pilates or Yoga? I'm lazy myself, but in doing these exercises, which seem all about stretches and being lackadaisical, I later really feel the burn. It's a good thing to start out on, to build some core strength and get yourself limbered up.

    Remember not to start out trying to do too much at once. Try to work yourself around to a few 20 minute workouts per week... perhaps two or so. Then try to have three 30 minute workouts. Also, studies seem to suggest that the best workouts consist of 'intervals,' meaning you will go along at a normal pace for 5-7 minutes, a quick pace for 3-4, and a pace that pushes your limits for 1-2 minutes... rinse, repeat.

    I was a vegetarian for several years. My sister in law is currently, and I get good recipes from her! Feel free to PM me or add me as a friend, and good luck to you dear.
  • rolliepollie087
    rolliepollie087 Posts: 251 Member
    Hey!! I am not a vegetarian, but I've seen some yummy looking recipes in the recipe section of the forums. My fitness pal is awesome. I find that having lots of friends on here who are motivated and keep up with working out and logging food keep me motivated to do the same :)
  • Janny2011
    I've been doing MFP for just over 3 weeks with very little exercise, because of a foot injury, but still lost 11lb so it really works. My hubby is a fabulous cook & just adjusts our favourite recipes to a healthier version. It makes it seem less like a diet. I just read a quote on someone else's post that it is easier to not eat 500 calories than to burn it off, how true that is.