HRM issues

Okay, so I was at the gym today and working my behind off (hopefully literally!) on the elliptical.

My gym has the ellipticals pretty close together and you are kind of on top of everyone else there.

I usually pick the one on the end, because I don't like staring at a blank TV screen and I know the second one doesn't regiester heart rate.

So I wear my polar F6 Heart Rate Monitor with the chest strap. My machine on the end keeps me far enough away from everyone else that they don't pick up my heart rate, but today I ended up smack in the middle of everyone and could read my heart rate on the guy's machine next to me! Oops! It was kind of embarassing!

Any way to avoid this? I felt like apologizing for messing up his numbers, but was a little too embarassed that he knew how fast my heart was beating the whole time! Any ettiquette suggestions?


  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    Okay, so I was at the gym today and working my behind off (hopefully literally!) on the elliptical.

    My gym has the ellipticals pretty close together and you are kind of on top of everyone else there.

    I usually pick the one on the end, because I don't like staring at a blank TV screen and I know the second one doesn't regiester heart rate.

    So I wear my polar F6 Heart Rate Monitor with the chest strap. My machine on the end keeps me far enough away from everyone else that they don't pick up my heart rate, but today I ended up smack in the middle of everyone and could read my heart rate on the guy's machine next to me! Oops! It was kind of embarassing!

    Any way to avoid this? I felt like apologizing for messing up his numbers, but was a little too embarassed that he knew how fast my heart was beating the whole time! Any ettiquette suggestions?