Any gamers in here? ;)

ilyahna Posts: 96 Member
I guess this is the venue for asking that!

Does anyone play any MMOs in here? I myself played Lotro for years, and am waiting in vain for Star Wars: The Old Republic.

We can help each other be motivated to get out of our chairs after a raid and go run around the block, right? :)


  • StarGeezer
    Brandywine, 4 years now. :)
  • danh99
    Yep! I play WoW and CS:S, not logged on here for over a year! Need to start again and planning on today! Cannot wait to begin again.
  • Navie42
    Navie42 Posts: 152
    Yep! Currently playing WOW to fill the void until TOR releases. I've played 11 MMO titles over the last 10 years ^_^
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I play MMOs, mainly the F2P ones though. I've never played WoW because I didn't like the look of it.
  • ilyahna
    ilyahna Posts: 96 Member
    Yay! I'm not alone! lol
  • KindleBlossom
    Hell yes! I play a little of everything. :) I like this shared motivation idea! When I'm procrastinating on exercise or anything else, it tends to be social gaming that I turn to.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Playstation3 addict.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Yay! I'm not alone! lol

    Yep. I'm pretty sure the main reason I got to 220 lbs was because I got so into playing that I'd forget to eat, then when I did it all got stored from starvation mode. It's kind of hard to eat and play when you're healing people though. :tongue:
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I used to play WoW a lot but kind of stopped since I had my little one. Tried again recently but I'm not that much into it anymore!
  • ilyahna
    ilyahna Posts: 96 Member
    "Yep. I'm pretty sure the main reason I got to 220 lbs was because I got so into playing that I'd forget to eat, then when I did it all got stored from starvation mode. It's kind of hard to eat and play when you're healing people though. "

    Oh yeah, girl, me too! Healer all the way. :)
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    yes me too i was!!!! i quit to loose weight....both don't really work together if you have alot too loose. :angry:
  • anberlingasm
    Final Fantasy addict... haven't played for a while and I miss it!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    No....I'm a gamer...but I HATE MMO's.

    But I DO LOVE RPG's. Grew up on Final Fantasy.

    Currently been playing alot of FPS though, not online, just not a big fan of it.

    Going through Homefront now, just finished up Mafia II, and also going through the New Vegas DLC's.
  • nikki_1979
    EQ2 lover here. Have played LOTRO, WoW, Rift, old EQ. Total game addict. If I made myself workout equal hours to my raiding I'd be set!
  • RichardCh
    Im a gamer enjoy pretty much everything recently stoped playing dc online as far as MMO are concerned but looking forward to guild wars 2 and starwars mmo coming out. Also Healer for life :)
  • hstallings13
    I play WOW, not to often, but it keeps me busy at work since I work from home. Helps the night move faster some
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    Playstation3 first person shooters.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Bring on November, New Assassins Creed is out. That is about a week i will be uncontactable :devil:
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Yay! I'm not alone! lol

    Yep. I'm pretty sure the main reason I got to 220 lbs was because I got so into playing that I'd forget to eat, then when I did it all got stored from starvation mode. It's kind of hard to eat and play when you're healing people though. :tongue:

    As somebody studying personal fitness and nutrition... this is a crock of .....:D
    I got fat playing MMOs because being sat at a PC for most of the day / night sadly doesn't burn any calories, and was living off snacks and microwave food (high in calories) - these days I don't touch a microwave (apart from making microwavable rice!).

    But yes, gamer here. Used to play WoW for several years and podcasted about it, I also used to play SCII at lot. LoL is my current vice but I cannot *wait* for Star Wars. SITH SIDE YO.
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    What???!!!! No-one plays Tribal Wars here?
    Too addictive - game has to be monitored and managed instead of sleep, work, cooking .... etc etc etc
    At the moment I am going complete cold turkey. I think its like chocolate - if I have even one taste of it I will be completely hooked and lost to the real world for at least another year.

    Eventually, after the heat of battle, I would raise my eyes again, and notice to my horror that my house looks like a rat next and I have put on a few stone putting me right back into the obese category.

    No, I dare not go back ... but :frown: .... now you have mentioned it, the thought is sorely tempting :( .........