Truth about Soy,Almond Milk

I copied this from my blog but I want to cram it into everyones brain so I'm putting it here to. I've read up about soy and almond milk, please check out these sites, Like I said before I care about what goes into your body, please be reading those labels:

Carrageenan is a thinckening agent found in almond milk and other foods and products please read this all the way to the bottom.


P.S.: it's really easy to make your own Almond Milk and it is really good-


  • cdstadt
    cdstadt Posts: 311 Member
  • thank you! me and my son drink almond milk ... not after reading that
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    "Health concernsThe Joint FAO/WHO expert committee on food additives states that, "based on the information available, it is inadvisable to use carrageenan or processed eucheuma seaweed in infant formulas".[14] There is evidence from studies performed on rats, guinea pigs, and monkeys that indicates that degraded carrageenan (poligeenan) may cause ulcerations in the gastro-intestinal tract and gastro-intestinal cancer.[15] Poligeenan is produced from carrageenan subjected to high temperatures and acidity. The average carrageenan molecule weighs over 100,000 Da while poligeenans have a molecular weight of less than 50,000 Da. A scientific committee working on behalf of the European Commission has recommended that the amount of degraded carrageenan be limited to a maximum of 5% (which is the limit of detection) of total carrageenan mass. Upon testing samples of foods containing high molecular weight carrageens, researchers found no poligeenan.[16]"

    Ehh.. I wouldn't drink any sort of milk after it has been subjected to high temperatures or acidity.
    However, this may be worrying:

    "A recent publication[17] indicates that carrageenan induces inflammation in human intestinal epithelial cells in tissue culture through a BCL10-mediated pathway that leads to activation of NFkappaB and IL-8. Carrageenan may be immunogenic due to its unusual alpha-1,3-galactosidic link that is part of its disaccharide unit structure. Consumption of carrageenan may have a role in intestinal inflammation and possibly inflammatory bowel disease, since BCL10 resembles NOD2, mutations of which are associated with genetic proclivity to Crohn's Disease.

    Carrageenan is reported to interfere with macrophage activity.[18][19][20]"
  • I tried almond milk and can only tolerate it in cereal. I prefer Skim Plus. It's tasty and it's loaded with protein and calcium.
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    ah, wikipedia. Excellent source of peer reviewed information.
  • cdstadt
    cdstadt Posts: 311 Member
    ah, wikipedia. Excellent source of peer reviewed information.

    Exactly. I repeat, bunk.

    I use almond milk for almost everything.

    Soy on the other hand... Soy is people.
  • What a complete and utter load of bull****.

    The fact that I just spent 10 minutes wasting my time makes me disappointed in myself as well.

    1) Wikipedia.........wikipedia

    2) Did you even bother to read the sources that they linked in the references part in the Wiki article?

    3) The 3 studies that they referred to in the health concerns (18,19.20) all had to do with mice and guinea pigs. On top of that, the carrageenan was injected. INJECTED.

    4) CRAZY CONCEPT OF THE DAY: When you inject things into your body instead of eat them, it will behave differently. Your liver and kidneys filter out things for a living, that's their job and it's what they do until the day you die. Injecting bypasses the digestion phase and has ZERO relevance to eating/drinking something that contains very small amounts of carrageenan.

    5) The amounts injected, on top of the low body-weight of the test mice, means that drinking almond milk at the typical weight of a human being will have no relevance to these studies.
  • thank you! me and my son drink almond milk ... not after reading that

    I have some snake oil to sell you. Please send all the money in your savings to my Nigerian bank account number. You will receive your snake oil in 4-6 weeks but only after the money has been deposited.

    Sincerely, Prince RangerSteve from Hambula province, Nigera.
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    If we want to talk about about a powerful lobby influencing food and nutrition information in the market place, let's talk about the dairy industry.

    Com'on peeps-- biologically, we're designed to drink HUMAN milk until we're about 6. . . and not much older than that.

    I love almond milk, and much less concerned about a naturally-occurring seaweed extract than I am about the long-perpetuated myth that we, as adult mammals, should be drinking the mammilian extract of ANOTHER mammal in large quantities on a daily basis.
  • There are other websites that say the same thing, thats just one of them.-You know what I give up and don't care anymore do what you want.


    When you post wikipedia articles with complete bull**** sources that have mice being injected with something and say it's unhealthy for humans right after then you need to take a step back and re-evaluate your position and why you're trying to "inform" people of their supposedly crappy dietary choices.

    You know what else can kill you in large amounts when injected? Water. We better stop drinking water in order to be healthy.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I don't think anything with wiki as a source is going to stop me from enjoying my almond milk.
  • If we want to talk about about a powerful lobby influencing food and nutrition information in the market place, let's talk about the dairy industry.

    Com'on peeps-- biologically, we're designed to drink HUMAN milk until we're about 6. . . and not much older than that.

    I love almond milk, and much less concerned about a naturally-occurring seaweed extract than I am about the long-perpetuated myth that we, as adult mammals, should be drinking the mammilian extract of ANOTHER mammal in large quantities on a daily basis.

    This is why there are tests that can look for:

    a) dairy allergies


    b) lactose tolerance issues

    Certain populations have a much easier time digesting milk compared to others. If you get tested and have no issues drinking milk, eating cheese, etc then there is no problem consuming dairy products.
  • I don't think anything with wiki as a source is going to stop me from enjoying my almond milk.

    Just make sure that you're not a mouse or a guinea pig and that you're not injecting it into your blood stream and you'll be fine.
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    So I didn't mean to get you all worked up about this, just wondering where you get your information so maybe I might learn the correct theory on this subject? You seem to know alot on several subjects and do alot of posting to better inform people, so maybe if you could point me in the correct direction of maybe a website or book that you support?
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    So I didn't mean to get you all worked up about this, just wondering where you get your information so maybe I might learn the correct theory on this subject? You seem to know alot on several subjects and do alot of posting to better inform people, so maybe if you could point me in the correct direction of maybe a website or book that you support?

    My research starts at
    be careful with wiki, ANYONE can post something on wiki as well as many other websites.
    Look for peer reviewed articles like from, then use the references from those articles to further conduct your research
  • Com'on peeps-- biologically, we're designed to drink HUMAN milk until we're about 6. . . and not much older than that.

    I love almond milk, and much less concerned about a naturally-occurring seaweed extract than I am about the long-perpetuated myth that we, as adult mammals, should be drinking the mammilian extract of ANOTHER mammal in large quantities on a daily basis.

  • P.S.: it's really easy to make your own Almond Milk and it is really good-

    I love homemade almond milk! It is so much richer and creamier than the store bought stuff.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    So I didn't mean to get you all worked up about this, just wondering where you get your information so maybe I might learn the correct theory on this subject? You seem to know alot on several subjects and do alot of posting to better inform people, so maybe if you could point me in the correct direction of maybe a website or book that you support?

    I just think research of legitimate sources and personal responsibility are a good start. Evaluate their testing methods and the sources quoted to see if it's reasonable to believe in something before you pass it on to people who may believe without questioning.
  • JaenaM
    JaenaM Posts: 251 Member
    ah, wikipedia. Excellent source of peer reviewed information.

    Exactly. I repeat, bunk.

    I use almond milk for almost everything.

    Soy on the other hand... Soy is people.

    WORD UP!