First 10k – Recommendations needed!

I'm planning to run my first 10k at the end of November, and I'm looking for training suggestions. Does anyone have a good novice program they recommend? I've looked at plans from Hal Higdon, running planet, Cool Running, & Runner's World... but I wanted to see if there's a plan anyone has used that they really liked. I know they're all fairly similar, but there does seem to be some difference among them.

I'm a casual jogger, and I'd like to take things up notch and gain motivation to push myself more. I'm not setting any big time goals for this race – just would like to complete it while keeping a steady running/jogging pace!

Thanks :)


  • appleskye
    Bump - I'd love to start a proper running training program for 10k!
  • hooma
    hooma Posts: 124 Member
    I'm doing the Cool Running "Couch 2 5 K" program and really like it - no experience with their 10K program yet, although I do plan on starting it once I finish their 5K program!
  • acciomuscles
    acciomuscles Posts: 164 Member
    I'm currently getting ready for a 10k at the end of October (I started "training" at the end of August already able to do 5k comfortably). I'm now up to running 4.5 miles at a stretch. I made up my own training schedule loosely based off of one I found online. To give you an idea, here's my plan for the upcoming week:

    Sunday: Cross-train or rest (Cross-training consists of biking, elliptical, and/or weight training)
    Monday: Run 3 miles
    Tuesday: CT/Rest
    Wednesday: Run 4 miles
    Thursday: Run 3 miles
    Friday: CT/Rest
    Saturday: Run 60 minutes

    So as you can see, I do shorter runs during the week (I usually try to focus on my speed/pace for these) and one long run on the weekend. As the weeks go on I will bump up the distance of the short runs and long runs until I reach 6.2 miles. I think my max. long run time will be about 75 minutes (or whatever it ends up taking me to do 6.2 in, I guess.)

    Hope this helped!

    PS: I strongly suggest that you train outside if you aren't already -- outside vs. treadmill is TOTALLY different in my opinion.
  • mei1005
    mei1005 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm training for a 10k at the end of October and am in the middle of Hal Higdon's 10k training. I love it and I feel like I'm getting stronger every week. You can be flexible with which days you do the runs as long as you get them in (I run Monday, Wednesday, and Sat/Sun and cross/strength train three other days). Good luck!
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    You'll find that most programs are just a step up with distance than the shorter distance programs. Your long runs will be longer, as will your Tempo and Intervals. I've never followed a program, but rather the 'spirit' of the program.

    Congrats on stepping up in distance.
  • elzianne
    elzianne Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks for the feedback everyone! I've wanted to get more serious about running for awhile now, but the summer has been BRUTAL here in Texas. Now that the weather is getting somewhat tolerable, I have no excuses left... so here we go!