getting rid of monthly water?

shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
My weight loss is so slow cos I'm going round in circles every month!

Few weeks back I got down to 11st 10 for first time this year and I was thrilled but then monthlies came and 6lb went on, however 6lb didn't go back off.. I only lost 2lb... i spend the next 3 weeks trying to lose the 4 to get back to where I was and then 6lbs goes back on.. wait a week.. only 2 comes off and I'm back to 12 stone! Cry

Is there anything I can take to make sure all the water that goes on.. comes off instantly when they end? It's driving me nuts and I find myself thinking of ways to stop my monthlies altogether for a few months so I can get weight down further before the water goes back on!


  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i heard that if you drink hot lemon water, it keeps you from bloating. i have not tried it. all you is you squeeze out the juice out of 1/2 a lemon in hot (tea style hot) water and drink it 1-2x a day.
  • I understand your frustration, I too deal with water retention during that time, and also after big meals and/or meals eaten out at restaurants. I've had some luck taking dandilion root which is a natural diuretic and available at most specialty food stores. Also, there's a product called Xpel which will take excess water way down but it's really meant for those who compete and who need to lose a lot of water right before a competition. Its dramatic effects are very temporary, though.

    I've taken both and have found that the effects of the dandilion root are subtler but the water doesn't come right back on either. Just my thoughts, hope this helps!! :)
  • Butterfly3081
    Butterfly3081 Posts: 67 Member
    When my monthly came along I too gained wasn't much but still it was discouraging. All I did was continue my regular routine even though I felt like poo and made sure I drank lots of water. I read somewhere that if you make sure to consume plenty of water it actually helps you shed the water weight and also watch your salt intake and carb intake more during that time. Salt makes you retain water and the carbs well they just make you hang onto the weight. So just keep on your regular exercise routine, watch your salt and carb intake and drink plenty of water and hang in there and try not to get discouraged. I've also heard the lemon water helps too..both warm and cool.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Of course drinking lots of water actually helps get rid of water, as does the lemon juice in hot water. So does drinking herbal teas made with hibiscus. There are a number of herbs that help with water retention - Dandelion Root being one of them as was previously mentioned.

    Get lots of potassium every day, watch your sodium intake, make sure you get enough rest, and getting adequate fiber can help draw water too.

    Good luck. That is an extremely frustrating situation - I do hope you find something that works for you.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Thanks guys.. I might try the Xpel just before xmas day to make sure I can fit in my favourite smart trousers (size 16).. where do I buy it from? ... the dandelion sounds a good longer term solution.. can you take it continuously? I know with water tablets your only meant to take them for a limited time and after a while your body gets used to them and still holds onto the water anyway!

    I don't have any lemons.. I have some concentrated lemon juice and tried that but it tasted awful... dunno if real lemons would taste any better but be waste of a bag of lemons if its just as bad?
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    it has to be real lemon juice in order for it to work. like the one where you squeeze out the juice :)) i knoww, it tastes aweful, i tired it before for a "cleanse". i know some people add a pack of sugar to give it a better taste. i didn't do the sugar part.
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