
Hello everyone! I've been on-again, off-again with the site and with my diet. I just came off of a very stressful summer semester in my masters program and am entering my final semester without having had much of a break. In addition to having a packed schedule (again), it's also time to start looking for a job, taking qualifying exams, and transitioning, which means starting to say goodbye to some of my really good friends as they do the same.

Within the context of all that, I've managed to put ON another 10 lbs since the spring. It was like I made it my job to eat to deal with this stress. And every time I go to get serious about dieting, it's like I get serious in the wrong direction and gain more weight. I've never been this heavy in my life, and am feeling very discouraged because it's like every effort backfires and just adds more weight to the scale.

So here is attempt #whatever, but hopefully making myself accountable to more than just me will help give me the motivation I need. I've adjusted my goals, and today is my "fresh" start. I am challenging myself to 1 month. Just 1 month of being really serious. If I can do that, then I know I can also keep going beyond the 1 month.

Anybody up for a 1 month challenge with me? It would be great to have a buddy to help keep me on track. Logging every day, maintaining my fitness goal, 1 cheat meal. Heck, maybe I'll even try to run again. Mail me if you'd like a challenge buddy, and otherwise, I wish everyone luck with their fitness and weight loss goals!


  • A challenge buddy is a great idea!!!! Always helps to have someone there for support & encouragement... Also I think we all need someone to be accountable too... lol I know ti helps me... So what I guess I am saying is that I would like to be your challenge buddy! :-P
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You can add me if you would like! I started off very much like you back when I signed up. Though I am not in school, I am a married working mom (commute an hour each way), plus I am involved in a few things at church and am there two to three nights per week, plus Sundays! On Saturdays we try to squeak out a clean house and some family time. Sundays after church we have a group of young adults that come to our house for brunch and sometimes stay for dinner too! It's a lot to take on, but I prefer that they be at our house instead of out getting into trouble! So...though I am not a commit-o-phobe with most things in my life, I surely was with eating properly and exercising. I managed to change my mindset by not trying to do too much at one time. I started off for the first month or so getting a handle on food. As I got good at staying within my calorie goals (and losing some pounds too!) I started exercising more regularly. Over 200 days later, I am still here, still trying to get in at least 2 to 3 workouts per week and just hoping for the best! :)
  • thetiwi1890
    thetiwi1890 Posts: 239 Member
    Wow I'm in the exact same situation! I just finished my masters and I put on almost 14lbs in the year :(
    I used to be on this site before, gave up, came back etc. And I've also just given up cigarettes which makes it that little bit harder! I'd love to do a one-month challenge and I'll add you right away :)
  • Wow, this is awesome! Thank you guys for the responses - it's a motivating boost!

    1 Month Challenge, Day 1!