Hi! I'm new-ish... I'm READY to do this!!!


Hi my name is Pea,

I signed up for fitness pal a long time ago looking to lose weight. I had my good (obedient) days were i logged everything, and there was the bad (indulging) days were i would avoid entries at all costs knowing how horribly i'd eaten. Well it's been long enough of this cat and mouse game with my health. It's time for a change!
I'm only 23 but sometimes i find my self feeling much older and unattractive, when these should be the best years of my life (health & physically) These little 25 extra punds that i carry around give me so many silly insecurities that I am not used to. I feel like im a prisoner in my body, like i can't just be myself. It is affecting my self-esteem and my relationships. I want my old care & worry free self. I mean... it would be nice to able to throw anything on in the morning without having to change a million times to find something that fits AND looks good!

This is my vow to you myfitnesspal:
I vow to be the best that i can be
I vow to log in everyday no matter how good or bad it gets
I vow to get up get out and do something, to transform my body to where i want it to be, I vow to be healthy, young, and sexy!
I vow to do this for me and only me.


  • spyork
    spyork Posts: 187

    You can add me if you like,

  • kdelost630
    Another 23 year old losing weight here! Feel free to add me!
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    You can do this! We all have our good and bad days. The wonderful thing is you are making a fresh start. Go ahead and add me as a pal, we have a great network of people!!
  • brit7880
    brit7880 Posts: 59 Member
    good luck.. and you CAN do this!
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Attitude and motivation will get you everywhere. I have been doing this (not my fitness pal, the whole tracking thing) for 2 years. It works, but only as much as you make it work for you. I tend do the same, log my good days and skip the bad days. I have lost pounds, and then gained them back. Which is very de-motivating. This time, I'm logging the food and exercise, but not my wieght. At least not yet. Not until I reach my milestone of 10 pounds. The 10 pounds that I gained on my 2 week vacation after losing 20 pounds making my net loss, 10 pounds. I am slowly and steadily losing. Slow and steady wins the race! You can do this!
  • PrettyPea
    Thanks so much for all the wonderful support!! I will gladly return it. We can all do this! We can all be happily healthy!!