Mostly, this breaks my heart


The pictures are interesting, honest, helpful after being deluged with skinny actresses and cartoons and (worst offender) anime characters. The stories however break my heart. Fat, thin or both, that so many of these women have spent so long hating their bodies, that isn't right. That Other people have hated their bodies is even more disgraceful. Sensible indeed, the site doesn't allow comments but I wish I could reach out to all of them and tell them not to hate anymore (some have already figured that out thank goodness) and to dismiss with the utmost contempt, anyone else who would speak ill of them.

Even though I am here on mfp to lose weight, and maybe very recently, have started to second guess my body and it's effect on my worth, for most of my life I have had far to strong a sense of self to ever let my looks get me down. I want that for them too.
