I just have to vent about the sh!tty experience I had last night.

A little background: I live in Portland, Maine. Much like Portland, Oregon, this is a foodie/microbrew/hipster kind of town. While i like a good beer, I am not any of those things. I work hard, I train hard, I'm putting myself through school and sometimes I just want to stop being all work and play a very little with a glass of wine.

Last night, thats what I wanted to do! We went to a SUPER trendy, dark and expensive bar.

I don't which is worse. The fact that we waited 20 minutes for the first round of drinks, were brought an extra and then CHARGED for the mistake or the fact that after AN HOUR passed without seeing a waitress for refills, I went up the bar and got carded again.

The seating is very eclectic (like pews, couches and mix-matched chairs) and its mostly cozy but it seems too confusing for the waitstaff to maintain.

My friend tried to return the drink. The DBag bartender (hipster-ish blond guy with a beard) just said "That happens. Well? Are you going to drink it?" and just shrugged. (Don't worry, they charged us $7 for it).

AN HOUR later, no waitress came to our table so I went up to the bar. The same bartender ignored me then carded me! I told him I've been sitting for a while at a table. He just said "Yeah. CAN I SEE YOUR I.D."I had to go back to the table, get my wallet and show him! It was embarassing! I wasn't rude. I understand liability laws. I then asked if table service stopped at a certain time and if we should start ordering at the bar. "Nope. There she is. Leaving this open?" and walked away!

When it came time to leave our waitress finally resurfaced (we had been there close to 3 hours). "I noticed you got some drinks at the bar. Here's your bill for the table." If you noticed we were going to the bar...perhaps you should've noticed we needed drinks?

It wasn't busy for a Saturday. And like I said, we're pretty chill. It was justified to me that unless you're a regular of a year or more, the staff will act very pretentious because they don't know you. Um, I'm actually am LOCAL and I don't think there's any justification for that. Everyone should be treated with courtesy. You ARE taking my money after all.

UGH! Tell me some of your horror stories!


  • dianerml
    dianerml Posts: 74 Member
    I'd be annoyed too. It is worse because it wasn't just your server that was bad but the bartender too so you know that they just don't care.
  • krisntraining
    krisntraining Posts: 201 Member
    I worked in the service industry for 10ish years and I still see this kind of behavior!! It disgusts me to think these people think they deserve, no are entitled to a tip... First, I will say I don't leave less than 20% unless you are blatently rude to me or ignore me and it's closer to 30% if you are awesome, you know why??? Because it is called "SERVICE INDUSTRY"!!!! It is so sad that people now EXPECT 18-20% just for doing thier job. I know your hourly sucks, thats why you work to make every customer experience outstanding and unforgetable!!!! I get that some people still wont tip, they are ignorant or just plain a**holes,

    I hold FIRM to the principle...

    "If you don't have the money to tip, you don't have the money to eat out" :drinker:

    But come on, if you go out and are spending your hard earned money on dinner, drinks and an EXPERIENCE, you deserve to be taken care of. Period.

    Thank you for letting me rant...
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Sorry. . you had to endure such a crappy experience. . . Sounds to me like they need to get a few complaints lodged at the supervisor or owner of this establishment. . Then perhaps the level of service would take a few steps up. . . Hope you have a better day tomorrow. . . .