Weight Loss Equation?

Somebody tell me if what I am thinking is correct? I calculated the amount of calories for me to maintain my current weight, which is 2100 calories. I am on a 1200 calorie diet with MFP, which doesn't account the exercise so with this I have 900 calorie deficit. This is one of the many reasons of why I should (which I do) eat the calories I burn from exercise?


  • Opinions are split as to whether it's best to eat extra calories you have earned through exercise. Most on here I think are in the 'for' camp and will tell you about 'starvation mode', some of us choose instead to stick to the budget without adding extra for exercise as this works better for some. My advice would be to carry on as you are if you are losing weight, if you are used to eating a lot more it will be easier for you to have that bit extra you get from your exercise calories and why make your life harder than it has to be if you are losing?

    If you find your weight loss slows down or stops then you could try eating only some of your exercise calories to see if things improve. There is no rock solid, accurate way of working out how many calories you will burn during any given activity, calorie expenditure is only ever a rough estimate and some people's bodies are just more efficient on calorie consumption than others and can go farther on a tank of 'gas' as it were. I think I must be one of them as I know that I won't lose weight if I eat even a moderate percentage of what I have apparently burned during exercise so this is why I don't eat them.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Correct. MFP has a built in calorie deficit so even on the days you do not exercise, you're still maintaining the same calorie deficit.

    I would compare your calculated maitenance calories to what MFP shows as your maintenance. Go to My Home>>Goals. Look at the right side where it shows "calories burned during normal daily activity". Make sure your lifestyle setting (sedentary, light active, active, etc) is correct.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Yep sounds about right. That way you're keeping your deficit constant.