tierd and weak and sore

i just got to work and ate a yogurt and one serving of dried apricots and a pack of all bran snack bites and i had a 15 min brick walk around the tiny mall i work at but as i sit down at my desk now i feel weak and tierd...and a little down and deprived...... i got up 15 min earlier then i usually do so i'd have time to do this but i dunno if that's i'm tierd(i'm not a morning person) or if my mind is playing tricks on me wanting more food as this is the morning of the 3rd day where i have been serious......

day 3 and i'm starting to lose my enthusiasum.....i'm gunna have a green tea...maybe caffine is all i need?


  • sherris
    sherris Posts: 112
    i just got to work and ate a yogurt and one serving of dried apricots and a pack of all bran snack bites and i had a 15 min brick walk around the tiny mall i work at but as i sit down at my desk now i feel weak and tierd...and a little down and deprived...... i got up 15 min earlier then i usually do so i'd have time to do this but i dunno if that's i'm tierd(i'm not a morning person) or if my mind is playing tricks on me wanting more food as this is the morning of the 3rd day where i have been serious......

    day 3 and i'm starting to lose my enthusiasum.....i'm gunna have a green tea...maybe caffine is all i need?
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    I am on day 3 of the serious side also and I feel like not exercising. I have heard and am starting to believe that if you do something for 3 days in a row it starts to become habit. So I am gonna pray and stick to the plan and make it a habit. Hang in there if what I heard is true by this time next week we will want to get moving more and have more energy. :flowerforyou:
  • livinwell
    Hang in there girl, the energy will come!!:flowerforyou:
  • hollymires
    I didn't get to the gym yesterday...I had good intentions...then I just didn't feel like it when I had then time to go. grrr Hopefully I will go today.
  • sherris
    sherris Posts: 112
    i know i'm not gunna work out everyday as u need a day off from excersicing (not from healthy eating) but i'm just wishing i was feeling upbeat as i was the last 2 days....and it's too early for a day off but i've done everything right 8 cup of water (which i still find soooo hard) and eating all food groups...variety, even a multi vitamin (for the past month) eating all my calories....INCLUDING those excercise ones and i thought i'd feel alot better or more energized....or dunno.....

    MODIVATION!!!! where have u gone!!!!!
  • sherris
    sherris Posts: 112
    i am sticking it out tho...i do want this to become habit
  • mdebroy
    mdebroy Posts: 30
    You'll get there. The sore part well have you tried stretching out more? I know that after a workout if I don't give it a good 5 to 10 mins then I can barely move the next day. The other thing that works is going to bed a little earlier. Your body needs rest to recuperate and if you don't get at least 8 hours a night especially when you are trying to lose you make it a lot harder on yourself.