I've seemed to have plateaued. Any help?

I have lost 47lbs so far, 25 from my target weight. I seem to be holding steady between 215 and 220 for the last 2 weeks.
My calorie goal is 1570 and I have been +/- 100 calories within that. If I do alot of mountain biking or running I may go down to 212 but go right back up within a day. The no weightloss coincides with a job change so I don't know if that is what is affecting it. The only difference in my diet is that I have been drinking a little less water. From 16 to 10 cups. I don't want to eat less calories for fear of starvation. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    There has been so many threads in the last 24 hours abour `plateau` and lots of good advice hun x
  • finchase
    Try eating more calories for a week, like 1800 or so. That's what my trainer advised me to do this week, at least for 2 or 3 days. I've been holding steady at about 1200 for quite awhile now, and he thinks my body has adjusted. My problem is that I have trouble eating 1800 "good" calories. I don't want to break down and start stuffing my face with Halloween candy! That's what got me in the situation I'm in now! :)

    Just experiment with it. I'm sure you'll find what works for you.