Fellow Cathletes?

Hi - any Cathletes out there? Seems like Jillian Michaels & P90X are getting all the attention. I'd love to add some fellow Cathe fans to my friends list! :) I'm in Meso 2 of STS (my first rotation - 6.5 months) and use some of her other DVDs on my cardio days.

P.S. - To those unfamiliar, a "Cathlete" is a fan of Cathe Friedrich's workouts. I'm hooked on her DVDs!


  • BeckyV73
    BeckyV73 Posts: 69 Member
    I love Cathe!! I used to have a ton of her early step workouts on VHS, but when I got hooked on Beachbody workouts, I fell off the Cathe wagon!! I still have her Time Saver DVD so I'm happy to say that I still have 5 of her workouts!!!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Oops I thought it was a couch potato athlete-- Cathlete. :o) I used to see her on one of the cable channels (FIT TV possibly) but I don't get it any longer. She seems to have a pretty tough workout, that's for sure.
  • BeckyV73
    BeckyV73 Posts: 69 Member
    Her workouts are definitely for the advanced!!!!
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    Cathe is my hero!!! I love her workouts!!! She has great step routines, great music, awesome weight-lifting dvds, kickboxing, everything I want.

    Her personality is fun and inviting but be prepared to SWEAT!!!!!