Weight Watchers?



  • chumeniuk
    chumeniuk Posts: 10 Member
    My gf does WW and I follow MFP. Both of us have lost 21lbs so they both work. I like the mixed approach for us because it seems to validate each other.
  • JaenaM
    JaenaM Posts: 251 Member
    I used WW in the past. I have much much much more success on MFP. Plus, this is free!

    Couldn't agree more. WW is just a different way of counting calories...exact same thing as u get here plus MFP is like the FB of weight loss! I did lose weight at WW...started and stopped 3 times. I did keep the weight off mostly but can't tell you there was anything I got out of it more than what I can get here. I think the best thing about WW is the meetings/community but only if u need the in-person, place-to-go experience. If you're fine online, this is the best place and I've tried many of them.
  • hjacenko
    hjacenko Posts: 12 Member
    I just joined last year after a ten year break. I needed a boost. I lost 7.8 pounds my first week. I did one day of a three mile walk, and drank my water besides being within my calorie goal. I know not every week will be this much but it works. I lost a ton ten years ago. I love love love the zero points fruit and most veggies ( all except corn. peas, potato, avocado).
  • pitapocket
    pitapocket Posts: 287 Member
    I'm on WW online I have been fr 4 months now. I have lost 28.6lb and 21". I have been doing both this week and it really seems the same. I'm thinking of stoping WW only because this is free. IDK kinda scared since I have been losing.

    You can do both (that's what I do), I log my food choices here, then use a free weight watchers online calculator to convert to point value and record the information in my Today's Food Notes i.e.

    Breakfast 5.0 points
    snack 1.0 point
    Lunch 5.0 points
    Snack 2.0 points
    Dinner 7.0 points
    Snack 2.0 points
    Daily total = 22 points
  • auntied
    auntied Posts: 113 Member
    THANK you all for the comments. I'm up .6 today. Not bad but would rather be down .6. It's this last 18lbsis hard the first came off so easy. I will continue my journey. I have my Food Diary open so if anyone would like to comment that would be great! Another week ahead and another week to lose!