Help w/ side plank

I think I'm pretty strong, at least with respect to my upper body, but whenever I'm trying to do side plank, I have a lot of problems. Either my arm starts to wobble, or if I'm doing a DVD where I have to balance on one foot, I feel completely unstable b/c of the edge of my tennis shoe on the floor. Trying to balance on the edge of my tennis shoe just doesn't seem right. I know it's all about core strength, and I'm pretty weak there, but what are some good modifications? Or does it sound like I'm doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance for any info!


  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    the only modification i can think of is placing your knee to the ground, i think that might work because it doesn't sound like the problem is your strength and if you put the knee down you can build up your balance and core strength
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Side planks are HARD. My yoga teacher suggested that I do it on my elbow, not my hand. I do think it's more about core strength than arm strength for sure -- and while my core is better than it used to be, I still suck at them.

    Try your best to do at full form, but if you must, modify.
  • kerri007
    when i do them every once in awhile. i put my knee on the floor and straighten my other leg and put my hand on the floor still is hard to do it that way even if u r modifing it
  • sheila0321
    sheila0321 Posts: 110 Member
    I do my side planks bracing on my elbow/arm. I have had good results that way..