Getting my Sexy back!

Hey Everyone,

My name is Jenita and I am a 24 year old mother of 1 beautiful daughter. I am new to this concept of losing weight. I have never counted my calories before or joined a support group for losing weight. I used to just make more healthy choices; I love to exercise and never had a problem with nutrition until now. I gained alot of extra weight with my pregnancy in 2009 and had since then lost about 30 pounds. When I stopped paying attention to what I ate and found myself gaining some weight back I didnt have a problem with it at all. Now..... 25 pounds later, I am appalled at how quickly I gained weight lol. This time I want to get fit by losing all of the weight I gained plus more. I am currently 183 pounds and hope to get down to 130 safely but relatively quickly and keep it off. So I've decided to try something new. I hope to make some new friends who will encourage me to keep on track! I hope to hear from some of you all and I wish everyone the best of luck with their weight loss journeys.


  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    welcome to the group! MFP is a great place.
  • skylinekt
    Welcome! This is a great site for tracking and mostly everyone is friendly and helpful. Good luck on your journey!
  • jenita_2009
    :smile: Thank you Ladies!
  • smizerski
    I just started using this site too and I too want my sexy back!;-) Im hear for the same reasons, gained to much during my pregnancy and am ready for a better version of me. I need good motivating friends too! We can do it!;-) I am so ready to get my body in shape and to loose some weight. I hope we all meet our goals!
  • LolaVaantz
    LolaVaantz Posts: 74 Member
    Oh the Sexxy is never gone, it just hides a little bit....

    Welcome to MFP, I've been here almost a full week and am loving it. I've joined a challenge (highly recommended) and have been getting great supportive advice for when (already) i've overdone things and not listened to my body.

    Enjoy the support, find your sexy (it is there no matter what the weight), and friend some of these nice people!
  • cheeto92
    hey! im new too & will be your pal!