Eat more to loose fat.

Eating more is not about just eating. You have to eat the right foods. Your body needs amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates and water. Your body burns so many calories in a 24 hr period. If you eat what your body burns equally you stay the same weight. My body burns 2,100 calories or cals without me leaving my bed. It's my metabolism. Muscle mass burns 50 cals per 1lb per day. Then there are the rest of my organs that need a certain amount of energy to function. A proper body functions on A/F/C and water in the proper amounts. The better your eating habits the more micronutrients/vitamins your body uses. Your organs functioning properly and in unison will help your fat loss and muscle growth. I eat great meals that keep me full and give me proper fuel for the task ahead.

Ex: Whopper w. cheese and med fries. 1,100 cals. I can fit 2-3 meals in that. I "eat more" of the right foods that give me the nutrients the body needs to function properly. Fill half of your plate with vegetables (prefer green leafy). I eat one dark green salad a day with anything but salad dressing. Make your own low cal dressing. Vegetables will give your the organ boost that your body needs to convert the fat into fuel. Potassium is an electrolyte. You need 3500mg a day. Do you know how much you’re getting? You need every other type also. I personally would rather eat my vitamins.

Moreover you need to eat your exercise calories to give your body the strength and nutrients it needs to convert fat to energy and expel the toxins in your fat. Keep your cals -750 to -500 in the beginning. If you’re making poor food choices you will be hungry. Eat the right foods you will keep full and turn on the furnace and burn fat. If you eat the right foods you will find eating all of your cals a challenge. I know I do.


  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    *NICE POST!!!!!*
  • jlm962
    Loved this post!!! Thanks so much!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Eating more is not about just eating. You have to eat the right foods. Your body needs amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates and water. Your body burns so many calories in a 24 hr period. If you eat what your body burns equally you stay the same weight. My body burns 2,100 calories or cals without me leaving my bed. It's my metabolism. Muscle mass burns 50 cals per 1lb per day. Then there are the rest of my organs that need a certain amount of energy to function. A proper body functions on A/F/C and water in the proper amounts. The better your eating habits the more micronutrients/vitamins your body uses. Your organs functioning properly and in unison will help your fat loss and muscle growth. I eat great meals that keep me full and give me proper fuel for the task ahead.

    Ex: Whopper w. cheese and med fries. 1,100 cals. I can fit 2-3 meals in that. I "eat more" of the right foods that give me the nutrients the body needs to function properly. Fill half of your plate with vegetables (prefer green leafy). I eat one dark green salad a day with anything but salad dressing. Make your own low cal dressing. Vegetables will give your the organ boost that your body needs to convert the fat into fuel. Potassium is an electrolyte. You need 3500mg a day. Do you know how much you’re getting? You need every other type also. I personally would rather eat my vitamins.

    Moreover you need to eat your exercise calories to give your body the strength and nutrients it needs to convert fat to energy and expel the toxins in your fat. Keep your cals -750 to -500 in the beginning. If you’re making poor food choices you will be hungry. Eat the right foods you will keep full and turn on the furnace and burn fat. If you eat the right foods you will find eating all of your cals a challenge. I know I do.

    I actually drew up a visual like this a couple months ago. Not all calories are created equal. :)

  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Eating more is not about just eating. You have to eat the right foods. Your body needs amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates and water. Your body burns so many calories in a 24 hr period. If you eat what your body burns equally you stay the same weight. My body burns 2,100 calories or cals without me leaving my bed. It's my metabolism. Muscle mass burns 50 cals per 1lb per day. Then there are the rest of my organs that need a certain amount of energy to function. A proper body functions on A/F/C and water in the proper amounts. The better your eating habits the more micronutrients/vitamins your body uses. Your organs functioning properly and in unison will help your fat loss and muscle growth. I eat great meals that keep me full and give me proper fuel for the task ahead.

    Ex: Whopper w. cheese and med fries. 1,100 cals. I can fit 2-3 meals in that. I "eat more" of the right foods that give me the nutrients the body needs to function properly. Fill half of your plate with vegetables (prefer green leafy). I eat one dark green salad a day with anything but salad dressing. Make your own low cal dressing. Vegetables will give your the organ boost that your body needs to convert the fat into fuel. Potassium is an electrolyte. You need 3500mg a day. Do you know how much you’re getting? You need every other type also. I personally would rather eat my vitamins.

    Moreover you need to eat your exercise calories to give your body the strength and nutrients it needs to convert fat to energy and expel the toxins in your fat. Keep your cals -750 to -500 in the beginning. If you’re making poor food choices you will be hungry. Eat the right foods you will keep full and turn on the furnace and burn fat. If you eat the right foods you will find eating all of your cals a challenge. I know I do.

    So true!
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    Eating more is not about just eating. You have to eat the right foods. Your body needs amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates and water. Your body burns so many calories in a 24 hr period. If you eat what your body burns equally you stay the same weight. My body burns 2,100 calories or cals without me leaving my bed. It's my metabolism. Muscle mass burns 50 cals per 1lb per day. Then there are the rest of my organs that need a certain amount of energy to function. A proper body functions on A/F/C and water in the proper amounts. The better your eating habits the more micronutrients/vitamins your body uses. Your organs functioning properly and in unison will help your fat loss and muscle growth. I eat great meals that keep me full and give me proper fuel for the task ahead.

    Ex: Whopper w. cheese and med fries. 1,100 cals. I can fit 2-3 meals in that. I "eat more" of the right foods that give me the nutrients the body needs to function properly. Fill half of your plate with vegetables (prefer green leafy). I eat one dark green salad a day with anything but salad dressing. Make your own low cal dressing. Vegetables will give your the organ boost that your body needs to convert the fat into fuel. Potassium is an electrolyte. You need 3500mg a day. Do you know how much you’re getting? You need every other type also. I personally would rather eat my vitamins.

    Moreover you need to eat your exercise calories to give your body the strength and nutrients it needs to convert fat to energy and expel the toxins in your fat. Keep your cals -750 to -500 in the beginning. If you’re making poor food choices you will be hungry. Eat the right foods you will keep full and turn on the furnace and burn fat. If you eat the right foods you will find eating all of your cals a challenge. I know I do.

    I actually drew up a visual like this a couple months ago. Not all calories are created equal. :)

    Great Visual....Love It.....
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    "Your body needs amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates and water. "

    your body doesn't really need CHO although many people operate much better having it in their diet

    "Muscle mass burns 50 cals per 1lb per day"

    interesting, so why isn't your BMR over 5,000 kcal a day? if you really are at around 12%bf and weight over 110lbs, you should have a bmr much higher then 5k if the above statement is true

    "Eat the right foods you will keep full and turn on the furnace and burn fat."

    assuming identical macronutrient composition, eating the right bs wrong foods whatever that means will have no difference in terms of body composition
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    "Your body needs amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates and water. "

    your body doesn't really need CHO although many people operate much better having it in their diet

    "Muscle mass burns 50 cals per 1lb per day"

    interesting, so why isn't your BMR over 5,000 kcal a day? if you really are at around 12%bf and weight over 110lbs, you should have a bmr much higher then 5k if the above statement is true

    "Eat the right foods you will keep full and turn on the furnace and burn fat."

    assuming identical macronutrient composition, eating the right bs wrong foods whatever that means will have no difference in terms of body composition
    What were your calculations to come up with 5k bmr. I agree that the or my mathmatical bmr is not what it calculates it to be. I have made it very clear to my metabolism rate. My point behind this is MFP has my rate at 24% BF. Knowing what your burn in a day is crucial to kowing what you can eat in a day.

    You said "your body doesn't really need CHO although many people operate much better having it in their diet " Many people operate much better having it in their diet means it "IS" what you need to operate much better having it in your diet. I know that I do. Yes, the guy who invented the BMR number is off. But the concept of a daily cal burn without movement is crucial to eating the right amount of calories.

    So what your saying is that I've not lost 25 lbs of fat and gained +4.5 lbs of muscle in 3 months using this method. I'm trying to understand. What is a link to your wisdom. I would like to read your atricles.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    "What were your calculations to come up with 5k bmr"

    you stated that 50cals are burned by 1lb of muscle, therefore according to you, someone with a scant LBM of 100 wold have a BMR of at least 5,000, but we know that is ridiculous

    "Many people operate much better having it in their diet means it "IS" what you need to operate much better having it in your diet. I know that I do"

    as do i, but that is only N=2, talk to any one running keto diets and feel great, therefore it is only a personal preference and is IS not what people need to operate better

    "Yes, the guy who invented the BMR number is off."

    no one invented a BMR number, multiple scientists did however create formulas to estimate BMR, did you try using all 3 main formulas, particularly the Katch-Mcardle which is considered the most accurate?

    "But the concept of a daily cal burn without movement is crucial to eating the right amount of calories. "

    not really the concept of TDEE is crucial, which BMR plays a part in
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    "What were your calculations to come up with 5k bmr"

    you stated that 50cals are burned by 1lb of muscle, therefore according to you, someone with a scant LBM of 100 wold have a BMR of at least 5,000, but we know that is ridiculous

    "Many people operate much better having it in their diet means it "IS" what you need to operate much better having it in your diet. I know that I do"

    as do i, but that is only N=2, talk to any one running keto diets and feel great, therefore it is only a personal preference and is IS not what people need to operate better

    "Yes, the guy who invented the BMR number is off."

    no one invented a BMR number, multiple scientists did however create formulas to estimate BMR, did you try using all 3 main formulas, particularly the Katch-Mcardle which is considered the most accurate?

    "But the concept of a daily cal burn without movement is crucial to eating the right amount of calories. "

    not really the concept of TDEE is crucial, which BMR plays a part in
    with what you just threw at me....who do you think got that. 1% maybe.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member

    also, I've seen you misspell *metabolism* a couple times.

    Just figured I'd help you out. [:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    "What were your calculations to come up with 5k bmr"

    you stated that 50cals are burned by 1lb of muscle, therefore according to you, someone with a scant LBM of 100 wold have a BMR of at least 5,000, but we know that is ridiculous

    "Many people operate much better having it in their diet means it "IS" what you need to operate much better having it in your diet. I know that I do"

    as do i, but that is only N=2, talk to any one running keto diets and feel great, therefore it is only a personal preference and is IS not what people need to operate better

    "Yes, the guy who invented the BMR number is off."

    no one invented a BMR number, multiple scientists did however create formulas to estimate BMR, did you try using all 3 main formulas, particularly the Katch-Mcardle which is considered the most accurate?

    "But the concept of a daily cal burn without movement is crucial to eating the right amount of calories. "

    not really the concept of TDEE is crucial, which BMR plays a part in
    with what you just threw at me....who do you think got that. 1% maybe.

    my answers were all in laymans terms, not sure what is hard to understand
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    with what you just threw at me....who do you think got that. 1% maybe.

    my answers were all in laymans terms, not sure what is hard to understand

    That was pretty clear to me.
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    "What were your calculations to come up with 5k bmr"

    you stated that 50cals are burned by 1lb of muscle, therefore according to you, someone with a scant LBM of 100 wold have a BMR of at least 5,000, but we know that is ridiculous

    "Many people operate much better having it in their diet means it "IS" what you need to operate much better having it in your diet. I know that I do"

    as do i, but that is only N=2, talk to any one running keto diets and feel great, therefore it is only a personal preference and is IS not what people need to operate better

    "Yes, the guy who invented the BMR number is off."

    no one invented a BMR number, multiple scientists did however create formulas to estimate BMR, did you try using all 3 main formulas, particularly the Katch-Mcardle which is considered the most accurate?

    "But the concept of a daily cal burn without movement is crucial to eating the right amount of calories. "

    not really the concept of TDEE is crucial, which BMR plays a part in
    with what you just threw at me....who do you think got that. 1% maybe.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    my body needs those "So Delicious" brand coconut milk ice cream sandwiches. Lots of them. mmmmmmmm.
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    You two lost me at the fries and burger!! :blushing:
  • 99Tinkerbell
    A lot of good information thanks adross3, I plan on using it ! And bjohs wow what a visual and you look great I hope I can do that!
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member

    also, I've seen you misspell *metabolism* a couple times.

    Just figured I'd help you out. [:
    thanks MOM
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member

    also, I've seen you misspell *metabolism* a couple times.

    Just figured I'd help you out. [:
    thanks MOM

    You take criticism well!
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    "What were your calculations to come up with 5k bmr"

    you stated that 50cals are burned by 1lb of muscle, therefore according to you, someone with a scant LBM of 100 wold have a BMR of at least 5,000, but we know that is ridiculous

    "Many people operate much better having it in their diet means it "IS" what you need to operate much better having it in your diet. I know that I do"

    as do i, but that is only N=2, talk to any one running keto diets and feel great, therefore it is only a personal preference and is IS not what people need to operate better

    "Yes, the guy who invented the BMR number is off."

    no one invented a BMR number, multiple scientists did however create formulas to estimate BMR, did you try using all 3 main formulas, particularly the Katch-Mcardle which is considered the most accurate?

    "But the concept of a daily cal burn without movement is crucial to eating the right amount of calories. "

    not really the concept of TDEE is crucial, which BMR plays a part in
    with what you just threw at me....who do you think got that. 1% maybe.

    I got it
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Just a side fat is loose and wiggly enough, I'm trying to tighten up. But I'm pretty sure that is called muscle...