what to eat

ok here is the story. LOL and it is a little long. I had a case of time warping this morning. It normally takes me 45 mins from the time I get out of bed to the time I walk out the door to take a shower, iron my work uniform of dress shirt, pants and long apron, and get dressed. Lately I have been getting up 15 mins earlier for a total of one hour so I can make and eat breakfast. That is what I did this morning. But when I sat down to eat my breakfast I saw that 30 mins had passed! 30 mins to make a cup of coffee and a bowl of oatmeal? WTF! So I run to the shower and my daughter irons my uniform and my goal was to eat the oatmeal and coffee after it cooled off but I just didnt have time. So that is why I skipped breakfast and didnt even pack a lunch. I was fairly "good" at work today. Didnt eat the bread and butter. Ate a little bit of the soup cuz well I was a little hungry even though it was cream of chicken. And the kitchen manager passed out some ice cream sandwiches and well it was 180 calories and I decided WTH so I go over my sugar and fat today lol Problem is. It is now 9:30 at night and I have 870 calories to eat. What do I eat?! I am at a loss.


  • cacraft
    ok here is the story. LOL and it is a little long. I had a case of time warping this morning. It normally takes me 45 mins from the time I get out of bed to the time I walk out the door to take a shower, iron my work uniform of dress shirt, pants and long apron, and get dressed. Lately I have been getting up 15 mins earlier for a total of one hour so I can make and eat breakfast. That is what I did this morning. But when I sat down to eat my breakfast I saw that 30 mins had passed! 30 mins to make a cup of coffee and a bowl of oatmeal? WTF! So I run to the shower and my daughter irons my uniform and my goal was to eat the oatmeal and coffee after it cooled off but I just didnt have time. So that is why I skipped breakfast and didnt even pack a lunch. I was fairly "good" at work today. Didnt eat the bread and butter. Ate a little bit of the soup cuz well I was a little hungry even though it was cream of chicken. And the kitchen manager passed out some ice cream sandwiches and well it was 180 calories and I decided WTH so I go over my sugar and fat today lol Problem is. It is now 9:30 at night and I have 870 calories to eat. What do I eat?! I am at a loss.

    Have a glass of water and go to bed. Start fresh tomorrow.
    Tip: Making your lunch the night before is a great time-saver
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    Ah, hell. Treat it like one of those days you go way over - just start again tomorrow. I mean, eat something if you're hungry, but I wouldn't go out of my way to stuff myself with a thousand calories - and then sleep on it - just to hit numbers.
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    I agree start fresh tomorrow!