do YOU eat your exercise calories?



  • nettleboo
    nettleboo Posts: 177 Member
    Hello during the week i eat 1300 cals per day whether i exercise or not for the last two weekends ive been trying this eating back my cals when i exercise and i notice i put weight on a couple of lbs each time. in my mind i think surely if you want to lose weight you need the exercise without the extra cals but thats just me i must eat enough protien and stuff because i dont feel bad after exercise even on my lower cal days. this one really puzzles me
  • Crystalchaos72
    I sure fact the more I eat back the more I have lost. It is harder now becuse I am in maintainence and consume 2650 a day, but I do eat my exercise cals back, even on my high burn days.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    YES! Most and usually all :)

    If you have 20lb or less to lose seriously it's the way forward. I lose more when I eat more and I've lost 19lb since May :)

    I know people will have their own ideas about this and that's fair enough I am just sharing personal experience.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    I physically can't otherwise I would.. Sometimes I burn over 1000 a day and I just cannot eat that much food throughout the day. I try so hard to but it is impossible without hurting my stomach. I just eat when I am hungry, otherwise I would stretch my stomach too far. I think it is good to if you can.
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    Not all the time, but on days when I feel like I just cant stop eating I do. I really try not to tho'.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    I know the topic has been done to death, but when I started on here I was eating all my calories back and losing b**ger all. I then started eating jless despite the exercising and was losing a pound a week and more and was not at all hungry!! Then I got confused because of all the forum posts and asked the question and was told - you have to eat all your calories back or you'll ruin your metabolism and gain weight when you start eating properly again!! - well I started doing that and have yet again lost nothing, in fact I put a pound back on over the last 2 weeks. I'm going to go back to eating whatever I want and not trying really hard to fill myself up with calories because I was finding that really difficult. I am a vegetarian and trying to eat my 1200 cals and then another 6-800 was a nightmare. I think that as long as I am getting plenty of protein, plenty carbs and am never hungry I don't see the problem. I eat 6 times a day, homemade fruit smoothies, veg soups, protein packed meat substitute, steamed veg, nuts etc etc and that will bring me up to 1400 cals a day or more, leaving 400 cals over -ish.
    I know I'll get knocked for saying this but I don't care, its my body and I want to lose weight. If I am going to get myself into a routine of eating this way for the rest of my days then I don't see the problem. I'm not planning on eating more than I am now. The point of doing this for me is to lose weight AND change my eating habits. I do not want to be eating more than I'm eating now as this leaves me happy, satisfied and full of energy.

    This is what I am doing, I am in no way advocating this as a suggestion to anyone else!!!

    Like the above post a lot. I hate eating for the sake of eating. It gave me very bad habits in the past. Before I joined this site I lost a hell of a lot of weight (7 stoneish) and I did not even think about deficit etc. I don;t think I ever ate the cals back and if I did then I didn't notice. It is important to me to eat when I am hungry, too many cals or not. I have always counted fat content though, calorie counting is new to me.