Starting Over...

Hello everyone.
My name is Michelle, and I'm 22 years old. I am married, with a 3 year old son, and a 3 year old step daughter. I love my family more than anything. My husband and I both work full time, and therefore eat way too much take out. We have my son 100% of the time, and in turn he eats way too much take out. So I'm making a healthier change for my whole family. I'm starting by putting my foot down about eating out. 4-5 times a week is just disgusting!!!

In November 2009, I weighed 281 pounds, and decided to do something about it. By July 2010, I was down to 195. I was thrilled to say the last. In September, 2010, I started a birth control, that messed so deeply with my hormones that after 6 months, I had gained 30 pounds. I was so depressed..

I talked to my doctor and we determined that my body reacts that was to all artificial hormones, thus.. no more birth control.

My husband and I were married in July, and it was a snap decision.. with 2 weeks notice, I just wanted to lose 5 pounds, but with throwing together a wedding in 2 weeks, we ate out way too much, and I didn't get much exercising in. I actually ended up gaining 2 pounds.

Today, I weigh in at 230. I feel like a failure. In a year, I've gained 35 pounds.

So here I am, at again, this time with a goal to lose 65 pounds, in one year.

I'll post some pictures later.. but here goes nothing.

I did get a 15 minute work out in this morning, before the kids started hanging on me and and getting in the way. Hubby is asleep still, because he decided to stay up until 4 AM. I am dressed and ready to go for a power walk, as soon as he wakes up! Weekends are going to have to be when I get my work outs in, until I learn to balance my family life, with what I need to do during the week. SIGH.. wish me luck


  • kassied09
    You can do this! Eating out all the time is definitely not the greatest, but there are healthy choices you can make! If you have a few minutes to go online before you go and look at the nutritional facts you can see what is healthy and not.
    I used to go out to eat just as much as you or more, and I gained a good 50 pounds because of it, over a few years. It is good to see that you are doing something about it!

    We are all here to help you with your struggle :D Good luck!
  • MrsAndrews723
    Thank you! I'm so happy to be back to MFP. I initially lost the weight I did, using this site, under a different name (cannot remember log in). This time, I KNOW not to leave once I've lost the weight I wanted to lose. This time I know to stick around until I learn to maintain at least.. if not longer. I loaded the app on my phone, so this time it will be easier to keep track! =)
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    Welcome back! You can do it!!! you did it before & will do it again. Wishing you the BEST!!
  • kc0kiu
    kc0kiu Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome back! I just started too, knowing I have to keep track of what I eat and needed a place to keep me accountable for what I do. Remember to keep enjoying what ever you decide to do!