looking for support

Hey all, I've been a member of MFP for 40 day now and I LOVE IT!!! I'm doing great with the caloric part, but I'm having a bit of a hard time with keeping up with my exercises. I was doing fine at first but know I can’t get myself to do anything. I don't know if i need to switch up my workout routines or if I was just working out too much and now I'm all warned out and possibly my body needs a break, but how long does one body need of a break for? I just need to get back on track I don't need this to turn into every day thing. Maybe all I need is some motivational support. Any suggestions?


  • For working out do you do the same routine every day? Maybe try some yoga, pilates, or zumba for a while to switch things up. I know that working out definitely gets old for me fast, and I usually give up then. I hope it does not go this way this time- but we shall see. I hope this helps a little!
  • I agree with your post the calorie part doesnt seem that bad. I think if you can slowly find ways to add exercise to your day. I now park across the parking lot each day. I think reading the blogs will motivate you sooo many people on this site.. They cheer you on when you have maked progress and help get you back on track if you stumble. Dont give up take it one day at a time until it's second nature.
  • I find support in reading the message boards. Some people provide pics or they exercise in groups just hang on I am hoping it will get better.
  • You might have been working out too hard and that's what burned you out. Start easier and work up as you feel better. Challenge yourself but not to the point of complete exhaustion. I agree with the others about switching it up. If you weight train, don't do the same body parts two days in a row. You do need time to rest. If I can help, even just motivation, please let me know!! Good luck! You can do it!
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    Hey, Feel free to add me, I struggled at first with the exercise and convinced myself I was doing enough when I clearly wasn't. I got my head to match me etc and now I do Body Combat and Aquafit once a week, swim twice a week and got to the gym. Also this week I am starting 30DS.

    I love to exercise now. So if you need motivation feel free to add me.