Nuva Ring and Effexor XR? Going OFF...

I just took my last effexor XR 2 days ago... and have been off the nuva ring since the 1st... Anyone know if these make you gain/lose weight?

I have been doing good exercising and eating and and just sitting at the same weight... didnt know what to think in relation to the medicines...


  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Effexor can cause increased appetite in some people.
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    This probably doesn't count but the nuva ring is making me gain weight in the form of a baby! :D lol Totally got pregnant while on in and I have to say weight wise I'm thinking it wasn't very helpful at all on my weight loss journey, up until anyway. But it was better on the weight then the depo shot! I gained huge amounts of weight while on the depo.

    I've never taken effexor so I can't help on that one.

    I would probably say it could be as they are both for horomones and those bad boys never co-operate when it comes to weight. Just be patient and see how things go, if after a couple of weeks of no change you might want to ask your doc to be sure.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I was on nuva for about seven years...never really noticed any weight gain or loss specific to being on it and stopping it. I switched to ortho-tricyclen lo last year in December after my hormonal acne went nuts. But I just stopped taking that about a month ago. Didn't really notice any weight related side effects with that either. ?? Can't say about the effexor...never took that.
  • ewebber88
    I hope you are doing ok after stopping the Effexor. I took it for a while and quit cold turkey and it was the worst withdrawals ever. If I wasn't sleeping I was puking. I hope that's not the case for you tho. I have never used Nuva Ring so I can't say anything about that.
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    I've been on Nuva Ring for over a year. My weight had been pretty much the same until June, when I started losing.
    ANNAvsANNA Posts: 58 Member
    Be careful stopping these at the same time. I'm afraid your body might revolt on you! I'm on Effexor and I know the withdrawal symptoms first hand. I know being on a drug like effexor can cause weight gain...I don't know about nuvaring. I can tell you the w/d symptoms of effexor will make you not want to eat or purge everything you do eat. :\
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    I did a 9 week wean off of the effexor... I knew better than to cold turkey because I ran out for 3 days and had convulsions... AHH!
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Effexor XR is weight neutral, but of course everyone reacts differently. I'm pretty sure Nuva ring is too (I'm a psychiatrist, not OB but I've taken both medications--and I don't think I had weight changes due to either medication).
  • batesss
    As a pharm tech we don't normally associate weight gain with the nuvaring as much as with the pill and as someone that uses it (and stops using and then starts using it again) i don't really experience any weight changes with the starting and stopping of the nuva ring. effexor is like the previous poster said, doesn't really affect your weight all that much, and if so normally going on it adds weight, and going off doesn't really affect your weight too much. But also, everyone's body reacts differently and to see the real effects of any changes in medication in relation to your diet, i would wait 4-6 weeks before you get really concerned.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Pharm student here.

    Really, anytime you come off a medication that effects your hormones, or start one for that matter, you can potentially experience some weight loss or gain. I havent read before of either of these causing that, but thats not to say that they dont. As the previous poster said, wait a few weeks, if you are not continuing again with your weight loss, contact your doctor
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    I've been on Nuva Ring for six years, and it's had no noticeable effect on my weight. I have also had times when my prescription ran out and I didn't get them in time so I skipped a month or two before starting again, and again - no noticeable effect on my weight.

    For those of you who DO use Nuva Ring, did you know there's a coupon for it? Fifteen dollars off for up to 6 months of eligilble prescription. That;'s $75 back.