Mini Goal One Week Challenge-9/18-9/24



  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Ladygloria: weekend's here. I hope you can enjoy it with your family!

    lttee: burn intervals are super tough, so well done!

    philosohoe: thanks for your kind words :blushing: Have fun!

    MAK: pay no attention to the stinky scale. You're working hard, and it will pay off.

    KrisPage: the good news is that a new day/week is just around the corner and we can always try again!

    Super late thursday check-in:

    1- rest day from Chalean
    2- I ate only 4 out of 5 veggies. Combination of poor planning + one of those crazy days when I feel I could eat everything in sight...
    3- I had a glass of water before every meal. I haven't experience less hunger as a result, I think I need to drink it farther from the meal, not right before.

    Friday check-in:
    1- Chalean is done for today. I'm having a little issue on my left buttock! I get little shocks that go down my leg...I hope it doesn't last, it's not fun!
    2- got back on track with veggies, so done.
    3-had water before meals.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Week was good so far. I will weigh myself tomorrow. I am planning on changing my official weigh ins to Fridays again. Weekends are too hard. I dont think I have lost any weight. TOM finally started today, after a whole miserable week of crazy symptoms. For a second I actually thought I might be pregnant.

    So far this week:
    1) Breakfst 6/7
    2) water 64oz 4/7 (not too bad but not that great, I forgot to take my big cup 2 days and it made a difference)
    3) Workout 2/3 (I still have tomorrow to do my third day)
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    la_nanita: glad TOM finally started so that you can start seeing some loss and getting away from the symptoms. It seems like you're accomplishing a lot of your goals.

    Papillon: thanks for supporting us all, how kind! And I personally think eating 4 servings is amazing. It's something I'm struggling with.

    Kris: I'm sorry you haven't gotten in the excercise you want. You've been doing well at this and I can see you getting right back into it though.

    MAK: I'm so sorry you're up half a pound. I definitely know how frustrating that is recently. You're amazing active and I'm sure once you conquer the BLTS, you'll be good to go!

    My check in:
    Exercise 7 times, two chalean, abs three: went swimming, finished half of chalean burn interval. Moving along quite nicely on this goal :love:
    Calories = protein outnumbers fat: check in such a wonderful way, not even close comparison
    3 fruits/veggies: 3.5!! Again :happy:

    For myself, I've hopped on this TOM train, started early and dang it, had no idea the power of an internet group.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    1. Get back to 10 glasses of water per day!
    2. Research Saturday---different exercise programs that won't hurt my knee!
    3. Find all of my next size down clothes, replace buttons and Smile Smile Smile!!!!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Hi Bestest Group Ever! I'm back from family trip time. Headed to the wedding in a couple of hours, so I figured I'd pop in and say hello, catch up on all the happenings since I've been gone, and do a quick recap for Thurs/Friday:

    1) Exercise 5/7 days--yes for both days! 4/7
    2) 10-12 cups of water everyday: nope :embarassed: 9cups Thurs/8cups Fri Darn it! still 2/7 Didn't realize this was going to be such a tough one for me.:grumble:
    3) Try to keep Sodium & Logged Potassium as close as possible and Sodium under 2000 5/7 days: nope. I did plan for 2 free from counting days, but I actually didn't do too badly on Thursday: 2090. Friday, however, was a little not great with 2750. Still, not as bad as it could have been. 3/7 for the week so far. I'm not hopeful about today's number.
    4) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY: check and check! Despite an inordinate amount of TOM driven insanity/tempation, I did NOT weigh in on Thursday before I left town. I have a little nagging in my brain that I should weigh in a "little bit" just to see if I'm on track, but I'M NOT LISTENING!! I PROMISE, AVOW, AND AFFIRM THAT I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TODAY OR TOMORROW!!.

    MAK--I just had to LOL when you talked about the M&M's calling to you from your neighbor's desk! I just pictured you walking by her desk with your fingers in your ears mumbling, "La La La I can't here you!" and her thinking that you're just a little crazed. :laugh: :laugh: Cracked me up! I feel you though. In the afternoon, I sit at a desk where the morning teacher keeps a bowl of candy for her kids. After the first day of having the Twizzlers taunt me, I put the bowl in a drawer the second day. I try to remember to pull it out, so the other teacher doesn't think I ate them all. (I don't even LIKE Twizzlers, and yet, when they're right in front of me, I somehow make myself believe that they'll be better this time. They never are, but I still fall for it.)

    Amy911--Welcome to the group! You'll find lots of support here. You've already made amazing progress! Great goals, and great to have you with us!:flowerforyou:

    I'll probably do today's recap tomorrow, just in case we stay late at the reception. Have a great rest of Saturday everyone!!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Sorry ladies, I’ve just been super tired lately. I think I’m a few days behind my daughter on a cold. Trying to keep it away with the diet and exercise kick.

    Checking in for the last time this week (will start new thread tomorrow):

    1. Chalean X schedule completely as is, except I will be switching in burn intervals in favor of zumba if I can make it. Otherwise, going to do the schedule as such and then add in one day of extra cardio in some form.-made up for last night’s missing due to car issues (power steering went out), by getting it in today. I did Push 3 and every weight I did was at least 15 lbs. I was super impressed with myself. Who knows, maybe I’ll get muscle afterall.

    2. Try to find some me time in every day. With my longer hours, I no longer feel like I have time to do what I want. Maybe I should take half of my lunch hour and do something stress relieving.-this has been the hardest goal EVER. I did not do this yesterday or yet today aside from goofing off on my ipad earlier. Going to keep this goal for next week as I obviously need to find a way to work on this.

    3. Do something fun next weekend with my husband and child. We've spent too many weekends away from the house running errands or doing things for others. Now it's time for fun!- Planned to go to a festival, but it has been raining all day. Hoping it dries out after dinner so we can walk around and have fun together. If not, will find an option B for the entire family. We will NOT send home this entire weekend or only do chores.

    Now, onto you guys:

    Lttee, thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words, both here and on my profile. You are a great motivator. I think if you push yourself, you’d be surprised how easy it becomes to stick to a schedule. I do the three weight lifting phases every M/W/F and then do cardio and rest on other days. Sticking to the weights on those days gives me the break I need, but also the knowledge that all I have to do is my 35 minutes of strength and then if I want to add more, that is completely up to me. Chalean is easy because everything she has put together is so short. You know? Remember, the burn, push, and lean circuits are designed for a day of rest in between so if you want to do a video without weights, I’d highly recommend the other two as they are more cardio based and also give your muscles a bit of rest. I need to add ab burner back into my schedule. With Zumba on the scheduled cardio days, I frequently fail to do it. Maybe I should add that to M/F circuit days. Oh, and never fail to do the Recharge. It’s glorious.

    Philosohoe, it gets easier. Keep trying. I have a bad neck (it has no curve in it for which I am still under doctor care), so I take it easier on shoulder exercises or anything that might put too much strain on that area of the body; but still push myself to muscle failure as much as possible. Taking it slow and maintain good form is more important than doing it fast or lifting so heavy you can’t control your body. Chalene says repeatedly that she’d rather you go slower than them and get it right then to have bad form. Record what you’re doing (weight/band resistance levels, etc) so that as you keep repeating it, you will be able to do it closer to their speed and not take as much time to transition. Before you know it, it’ll be time for you to move out of Burn and you’ll be increasing weights and resistance in no time! I hope you enjoyed your trip this week!

    Mak, way to keep up with Jillian! I hear it does get easier. Of course, that’s also when you move to the next level. I’m not worried though, you kicked Tony’s butt so no doubt you’ll pass Jillian with flying colors. Turbo fire is amazing and intense and almost as fun as Zumba. I have it, but I’m not ready for a full video yet. I have thought of doing the HIIT 15 after my circuit burn days for a full blast of exhaustion (especially since like strength, they require “rest” days in between. Once I get through with my 90 days with Chalean Extreme, I’m going full tilt with the full turbofire schedule. I can’t wait.

    Kris, I’m with you on the TOM cursing. Our bodies are so annoying at that time. Keep fighting the good fight, you will meet those goals! I have no doubt.

    Papillion, thanks, I plan to try. I hope your left glut is working better for you. I know with all of the squats that we do in that program, any stress in that area can become pronounced. Maybe you can do an extra round of stretching?

    La_nanita, great job on your goals this week! Take every success you can. Well, I’m not sure if you’re happy or sad about the possibility of pregnancy, but I definitely understand the crazy symptoms. I was experiencing crazy TOM symptoms for three weeks.

    Amy911Gray, great goals! Welcome to the group!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Saturday check-in:

    1- No exercise today. I really needed to take both a physical and mental break, I felt exhausted. So, I'm getting back on track tomorrow. Glut's doing better, but today my shoulders and back were sore from yesterday's lean circuit.
    2- Five fruits/veggies done!
    3- Completely forgot about the water before every meal...I've been feeling so off...

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hey all! Quick check on before we see a movie. Miserable day for me today. Didn't work out at all. Ate out all 3 meals. Not the best choices. I need to not dwell on today that part of today is over ... Behind me... I'm not thinking about it any more!! Tomorrow is a new day, a new week, new goals to work on.

    You guys are the best. Sending HUGGS to you all!!! Keep working on those mini goals. Together we can do this and you all are doing wonderful. Keep it up!!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Not the best week for food, some days were just plain sad!:blushing: :sad:
    Workouts M-F I feel good about this!
    Water - did well
    Bedtime - still not a set time but making progress!

    Tomorrow starts a brand new Mini Goal Week and I'll be working on my logging/healthy foods in particular.
    Hope you've all hung in there as best you could even if it's been a bit rocky at times, we've got a brand new week ahead!:wink::flowerforyou:

    Here's to the New Week My Friends!:drinker: :smooched:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My check in:
    Exercise 7 times, two chalean, abs three: went swimming, and completed chalean burn 2, and did abs, so met all three today! :heart:
    Calories = protein outnumbers fat: went over my calories, I blame TOM, and stress, and the freaking donut again :angry:
    3 fruits/veggies: 2 servings today :grumble:

    HeartsDesire: glad you're making progress on your bedtime

    MAK: great attitude!

    Papillon: hope you enjoyed your break and it was everything you needed it to be

    Ladygloria: can't wait to do recharge then and experience the glorious-ness of it. Hopefully tomorrow. I am loving the videos thus far, and I did the ab burner portion three times this week. Hope the night dried out enough for family fun time.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    So exercise has been non-existent this week. :sad:
    Calories / Water
    Sunday +559/ 6c
    Monday -426/9c
    Tuesday -1310/10c
    Wednesday -448/8c
    Thursday -284/7c
    So I really have not achieve any of my goals this week. :cry:
    Weekend are my worst so doubt I will get in the exercise. We will see. D@$n you TOM.
    So to finish the week :
    Friday -429/13c
    Saturday -1095/11c
    Yesterday was a crazy day weworked outside rebuilding a shed and I had 2 hrs of moderate activity and I took over 15,000 steps. Lots of lifting and hammering and heavy work.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hey guys,
    Sorry I haven't been commenting to much this weekend, it has been a little crazy, but know I'm rooting for each and everyone of you and you all are doing amazing. I've been reading all your posts and you guys are working so hard at your mini goals. This week was a bit of an off week for me, and it's turned into an off weekend. I am determined to make this upcomming week better then this past week. Keep up all the hard work and I will see you all on the new thread :happy:
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Yesterday was horrible. I at least got my exercise out of the way nice and early, but went to a birthday party and consumed way too much pizza and beer.

    This week's total:
    1) Work out 3xs: 3/3
    2) Drink 64oz of water per dady: 5/7
    3) Eat breakfast everyday: 7/7

    I have been thinking about this non loss thing and it is really pissing me off. I need to start losing again or I am not going to make my Jan goal date, not only that but it will hinder my plans of getting a tummy tuck by April.

    So I am going to take a page out of Mak's book for my new goals.

    1) Do P90X everyday before work. This means getting up at 5am! :sad:
    2) Do 3 non P90X work outs
    3) Drink 80oz of water per day
    4) Eat a healthy breakfast every day
  • mggirll0122
    Happy Sunday!

    I just wanted to say that this is a very motivated and inspiring group! Thanks for the warm welcome!

    lttee-the baby in my profile pic is my now 2 year old grandson. That's probably the only picture that I have sort of liked of myself, even though it's not current.

    1. Exercise 4/4
    2. Water 5/7
    3. Vitamins 5/7

  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Hello everyone! Saturday night/Sunday morning recap:

    1) Exercise 5/7 days: Yes! 5/7 for the week achieved! Sunday swim is a bonus!:happy:
    2) 10-12 cups of water everyday: check 3/7
    3) Try to keep Sodium & Logged Potassium as close as possible and Sodium under 2000 5/7 days: nope. 3/7 for this goal so far. Saturday's sodium was 2535. Slightly better than Friday, but still more than I'm comfortable with. I think my sodium is going to tank my weigh in for tomorrow. We'll see...:grumble:
    4) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY:Check! 7/7 for the week. I did not weigh in this morning or yesterday, so I'm good on this one. I think I might try next week without this goal and see if I can still stick to once a week weigh in. If I start slipping, I'll bring it back.

    Seems like this was a very tough week for a lot of us. Fortunately, the week is over, and now we have the opportunity to start fresh and re-energize for the new week. See you on the new thread! Great job hanging in there everyone!!:drinker:
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Has anyone posted a link to the new thread that I missed or should I go search for it? You guys are very impotant for my weight loss sanity!:bigsmile:
  • markyswife
    Just signed up today.
    1. Exercise 4 times this week
    2. Drink all my water each day.
    3. Find a friend on the boards.