just me

Hi My name is Crystal, I found this web site because I was searching for help.I am a 33 yr old mom of 3 16,8,10 I struggle with my weight all the time I just don't know what to do.I weight 260 lbs I also work at a fast food Resturant and I find it very hard because I keep eating the food and it's not healthy I just want to lose the weight so I can be there for my children and get out and do things like I use to.I find myself not having energy to do anything.I don't have anyone who will go walking with me because I hate doing it alone and I don't know where to turn when I try to exercise my back hurts all the time and there for I give up because I don't want to hurt my self.I just want some advice on what I can do i hate being fat and my marriage is starting to suffer as a result also.thanks for listening


  • U just took the 1st step my friend :-)

    U can do it and this site is an excellent tool and the people here are AWESOME!

    The encouragement is over flowing. I have been on this site for only 30 days and it has made such a HUGE difference in my life.

    I'd enjoy gettin to know u and being a support partner for u. Feel free to add me :-)

    Oh, by the way WELCOME:flowerforyou:
  • I agree, first step is done..... Now tell yourself to just do it. excercise even for a few minutes each day. But increase it a little each day and before you know it a week will be gone and you'll feel better. set small goals at first... 1 week straight. not eating fast food for one week... ect.
    This is awesome site for keeping track of your food and excercise. You'll have a lot of support here... we are all looking for the same thing, to be healthier.
    Welcome to MFP and good luck.
  • I was 240 at my heaviest and lost my first 35 pounds by giving up fast food and soda.

    You can do it! If you want you can add me as a friend. It helps give you motivation to see others working towards the same goal. We can all struggle together! :flowerforyou:
  • Hello Crystal,
    This is a wonderful site full of amazing people who share in our struggles victories! I, too, worked at a fast food restaurant for 4 years. I understand that particular barrier to good health. If you want, go to my profile, and read my blog post and look at my pics. You can do it!!! I am currently at 255, but started my weight loss jouney at almost 350. At the beginning of this summer I was 280 and in August when I started MFP I was 263. I am now training for *TWO* 5K's this fall (3.2 miles). If you would have told me 3 months ago that I would be doing this, I would have laughed you off your seat!

    The only person who can truly motivate you to become healthier is you. A lesson I wished I would have learned 20 years ago. I am now 37, and as a result of poor health I made when I was younger, I have diabetes, PCOS (poly cystic ovary syndrome) which has contributed to me not having children, high blood pressure, and depression. I can happily say that I am no longer taking anti-depressants, I have come off of one BP med altogether, I am not on insulin, and the children thing... well, we'll see where that goes. I am happier than I've ever been, more in love with my husband than I have ever been, more productive at home, work, and with my dad and sister. It's like I've been given a second chance at life. And do you know who gave that to me???

    I DID!!!!!

    You can make these positive changes!! You can be the person you feel that you are on the inside. It takes time, work, sacrifice, and dedication. But all of those will pay off in ways you will never imagine!!

    I look forward to reading more about your journey. Let me know how you're doing! :)

    Have a wonderful week!
