Anyone here go to CURVES? Seeing any results?

I was thinking about checking it out this week, any thoughts??


  • torshi
    torshi Posts: 107 Member
    I use to go and I wasn't a big fan of them, but I think it's because I don't like circuit training. It was pretty decent, I don't remember major results, but granted I was really young when I went and also skipped going sometimes since my friend I went with lacked motivation which rubbed off on me sadly. They usually give out week passes, ask to see if you can try it out.
  • My mom loved Curves! She did it 5 days a week and lost over 80 pounds. She liked the great environment and the ladies were super nice that she would see there. I would of joined her, but I have any extra money to go.

    It is like most any exercise~if you are committed it will work for you. :flowerforyou:
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I think it's a good place to start if you are new to exercise or gyms in general. I never went because they weren't open at times convenient for me.
  • I went for 8 months and with a proper diet and healthy eating I lost 65lbs and alot of inches from top to bottom of my body,,I had friends to go with and it was fun,,I really enjoyed it,,and I would still be going but they shut it down in our area..They measure you when you go in and do measurments once a month...To me it is so worth it,,and only 30 mins a day...
  • I went to Curves a few years ago for about 5 months. I saw some results, mostly in terms of strength building. I didn't change the way I ate, so the weight didn't come off much. Pros: You can do a full circuit workout in 20 minutes. Cons: It's extremely repetitive (which is what led me to quitting, I became bored with the workout). That said, I think anything that gets you up and moving is a great thing. Absolutely see if they have freebie passes so you can check it out. It's worth a look.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I went there for a few years. I never lost weight and it's not a good enough workout. You cannot adjust the weights on the machines so they are useless when it comes to losing body fat by gaining muscle. I wouldn't recommend it.
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    I've been going to Curves for about 7(?) years.

    Have I seen any results?
    It all depends on how much work I put into it. If I just glide through the workouts and don't pay attention to what I eat, then no. But if I put effort into the machines and and keep my calorie intake down, I've lost as much as 20 lbs a month. (My average loss while dieting and doing Curves has been 10lbs a month.)

    The things that I really like about Curves are:
    No men - you don't have to put on makeup, or have cute workout clothes, or think about looking attractive while you sweat your butt off
    The trainers and other members are really nice and friendly - they miss you when you are gone and talking on the circuit makes the workout go by faster.
    They have Zumba now - I don't know if all locations do; but again, it's nice to be able to dance around and not worry about male observers
    It gets a good workout in in a short period of time. - I can burn 350+ calories and work all major muscle groups in 30-45 minutes... usually I burn more.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Oh yeah, and I found it like more of a social atmosphere instead of people there to workout. I think it is great for the elderly or morbidly obese people.
  • Keightisgr8
    Keightisgr8 Posts: 121 Member
    I went there when I was younger because my mom thought I was too young to be using the big machines at the gym.

    About the not being able to change the weight on the machine - they're resistance machines, so the harder/more forcefully you push, the more resistance it gives you. i found it was mostly pre-menopausal women in there, and I didn't like not being able to wear an mp3 player (you have to hear when they tell you to change stations), and what I really really really hated was that some ladies wouldn't get off the machines right away (or they were slow/old), and you only have a certain amount of time on them, so if you were stuck behind a turtle, your workout is compromised.

    I prefer a more focused and solo workout in a gym to the group/circle thing.

    Either way, movement will see results for weightloss.
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    I tried Curves several years ago. The hours were not convenient for my work schedule -- they were not open very late. I myself couldn't tell that it did any good. When I went I didn't work up a sweat at all and I surely never felt the burn. Didn't lose any weight.

    I got more out of walking at our local medical fitness center. They had a free outside track that was 6/10 of a mile long. A co-worker and I would walk 9-12 miles per week. I lost about 15 pounds in 2 months.

    I'm not a fan of signing contracts for 1 or more years. You can do the same amount of exercise for free. But, then again, there are people who swear by places like Curves and had great success.
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    Thank you for all your help mfp! You all made some pretty valid points :)
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    We have one here. I tried it. Didn't like it. Seemed like by the time I got resistance on the machine, time was almost up.

    Plus, having it in a small town, it's mostly a gossip session. Everyone talking about everyone else and none of them knew me. For all they knew they could have been talking about my family!

    I work with a lady who goes every day. Eats "weight watcher" recipes for lunch and hasn't lost anything. I've worked with her for 10 years.

    You can get some great workouts at home for cheap. Jillian's DVDs are about $10. I'm doing Supreme 90 which is like P90X and cost me $20. For one month of Curves, I've gotten 4 months of workouts.
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    Where to begin on the topic of Curves. This is before Curves Smart/Advanced Workout/Zumba. I'll start with I am finished up my 5th year and moved onto a regular gym in Feb.loss 6lbs changing gyms.

    At first I loved going b/c I went with my mom and aunt to help them lose weight and figured it would be nice to do something healthy. My aunt and I went 5 days a week and 6 days every other. I started there at 155.50 lbs and lost some inches and eventually some pounds. Then my mom quit and my aunt and I still went at least 5 days a week. At this time they came out with Advanced Workout which is like Curves Smart but you count your own reps. Then my aunt got hired there and I was beginning to get bored of it so I was just going 3-4 days a week. Then came the Elitie status pins where you workout at least 12 times a month you get a pin, Well then I was at the point of just getting the 12 to keep my pin. I had been doing Curves Smart since May 2008 and its a decent workout.
    I personally think Curves is for people who have never workout, older women, and if you don't want to workout in front of men. The program does work for some people just not everyone.
    I started at 155.50lbs and maxed out then maxed out at 172lbs. Throughout the whole time my body fat % has gone as low as 25.10% to 34%. My weight at the lowest got to 141lbs. I do know for a fact that some of the weight is muscle b/c I can feel them bigger than day 1 even though I don't remember that far back. I can flex my pecs and forearms where I know I didn't have muscle there before.

    I say give Curves a shot and if you like good.....if you don't that's fine too!!
    The other reason I still go is I tell myself its only 30 minutes and your done before you know it.
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    I checked it out, but it didn't seem like a great workout to me. Maybe okay for a bit or to mix things up, but I'd join a regular gym where you have many more options and can mix things up.

    Also, Curves is owned by big right wing, anti-gay, anti-abortion folks who donates to groups against my interest. I don't want my money going to support those causes. Just a heads up if you care about those issues.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I checked it out, but it didn't seem like a great workout to me. Maybe okay for a bit or to mix things up, but I'd join a regular gym where you have many more options and can mix things up.

    Also, Curves is owned by big right wing, anti-gay, anti-abortion folks who donates to groups against my interest. I don't want my money going to support those causes. Just a heads up if you care about those issues.

    So does American Family Fitness. That's why I would not go there.
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    Oh I forgot to add the computers there said I was burning 300's calories a work on a guess. Well I got my HRM and found out it was more like 150-200's calories. So my 1st 4 months here on MFP I was eating back too many exercise calories.