405 lbs......need I say more?

At 405 lbs I HAVE to do something.

So I started my Physician-assisted program again. Its Lipo injections, appetite suppressants, supplements and a low carb eating plan. Eating a smaller meal every 3 hrs and drinking lots of water are some of the key components.

I know there are those of you who will tell me not to use phentermine. But I have to, at least to start. I'm a foodaholic and addicted to carbs. If my appetite is not suppressed, I can't control it. I self medicate with food. I know I probably need therapy too because of this, but one thing at a time-unless its free.

I've done this program before. Lost 60 lbs in 6 mos and then 30 lbs in 3 months. My job and money forced me to stop before. I won't stop this time. I just simply can't.

Last week I could not stand for more than 1 minute without my back pain forcing me to sit. I couldn't take a shower without sitting and resting. Walking from my car 150 feet to my office building caused me to have to rest and catch my breath....and kept me sweating for 30 minutes. I can only shop at Walmart because there are benches to rest on. If my office building's elevator ever went out I don't think I could walk the 3 flights. Even putting on my socks is a daily struggle. I know. I'm pathetic.

I'm also taking Glucophage for insulin resistance. I don't put it on my insurance for obvious reasons.

After 2 days on the program I already started feeling better. I could stand longer without pain. I'm on Day 5 and I know I've lost weight and I am still able to do more than I could 6 days ago. I don't weigh myself more than once a week at the Dr.'s office.

My blood tests come back Tuesday or Wednesday. I asked the Dr. to also test my testosterone level. We'll see what the results are.

I'd like to start exercising on my recumbent exercise bike or Total Gym, but I think that will have to wait another few days.

What I'm looking for is to maybe help support and possibly motivate others like me; and honestly, maybe more importantly for me (selfishly) is to get support FROM others like me. It would be great if someone on the same type of program could share their successes and challenges too. I'd like to hear about experiences in therapy for food addicts like me who self-medicate with food instead of other drugs or substances.

Good luck to everyone!

J Galt


  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    Who is John Galt?
  • shesblossoming
    Who is John Galt?

    Beat me to it!
  • shesblossoming
    I faced similar back pain. I would really recommend going to a chiropractor or at least going through physical therapy. While you might feel better from weight loss and the stress of your weight lifting from your back and knees, it's really important to get an x-ray to see if there are any problems that could prevent you from continuing your progress.

    I hope things work out well for you.
  • Movingonforbetter
    :happy: I am not in your situation but if you need support and some one to talk with and to listen, add me if you wish.'
    I will you all the luck and you can do this, its in you to do!!!:tongue::flowerforyou:
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    You are not pathetic. You are addressing it and that makes you strong and brave.

    You can do it and improve your quality of life. Don't give up.
  • katemanning3
    katemanning3 Posts: 42 Member
    Have you talked to your doctor about Medi-fast? My brother weighed in at near 430 aprox 8 months ago and now he is down to 230. It was the most amazing thing ever. He weighs less right now than he did in Junior high and he is 29. It is a diet that you absolutely can not exercise on and so it works great for people that really aren't interesting in that. It's about $320 a month for the food and then you just have to buy lean meat and green veggies for your dinners. So, about the normal price of someone's grocery budget. You should look into it, if you are needing to lose weight really quick. You wouldn't need the lipo injections. My brother went from a size 50 pants to a 36-38 now. He has 10 more pounds to go before he transitions out.

    Good luck to you and I hope that whatever diet plan you go with works out for you. Logging on here every day really does pump up your motivation especially getting involved in the forums, so keep it up!.
  • healthieramanda
    healthieramanda Posts: 95 Member
    Well done for taking a step in the right direction. You're not pathetic at all! You're making positive changes in your life and these changes are going to have such a great impact in your life and from your post already has. I applaud you for being able to make these positive changes :)
  • drdenise
    drdenise Posts: 87 Member
    Hats off to you for your determination! I have not been in your situation, but have been overweight by 60 pounds. Anything I can do for moral support, add me as a friend! I think many of us have used food as a crutch for emotions and bad relationships. Good luck!!!!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    My advice to you would be the same I would give to anybody else starting their journey here. Log honestly, every bite -lick - sip. It is a solid way to learn about what you are actually consuming and as your weight changes you will be able to look back and see where you have come from.

    And the same goes for exercise, log the data - someday you will be doing amazing things and its really nice to look at dates and see where you have come from. You are strong! You are lifting 405 lbs up (show me a stick person who can do that!) It's time for you to lose some of that weight so you can choose when/how much you want to lift!

    Your doctor can tell you what kind of foods to eat, and someone else can tell you what exercises to do -but none of that will mean a thing if you don't get real with yourself.
  • zmoreno10
    zmoreno10 Posts: 69 Member
    Best of luck, friend! You can do it!!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    back pain sucks. I had it really bad when I began Dec. 2009. I was nearing 500 lbs. as I got more active it got better and better. about 6 months in and having lost over 60 lbs. it went away. I no longer have back pain.
  • whatwentwrong
    i weigh a little more than you, and it's HARD. my doctor would always ***** at me to exercise, and i really don't think some people have any idea how much pain you're in every waking minute when you'e this heavy. when i started, i could barely stand, and i was out of breath from walking 10 feet. i've been dieting/exercising for about a month, and i feel SO much better! i've been switching between doing water aerobics, and short times on the elliptical.

    anyway, good luck! if you'd like to add me, i'd love to be your friend since we're starting from such a similar place :)
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    Wow. You're not pathetic at all. I'm not in your situation and can't imagine that I will have the needed focus and will power to get out of it if I was. You are amazing. Wishing you the very best of luck.
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    You have finally reached the point. I reached the point at the end of last april. I weighed 372 pounds. I have lost 104 pounds since then and it hasn't been easy. I was dealing with some problems you have. The first thing i did was get moving and totally changing my eating habits. Some people on here will say rapid weight loss isn't good. But it sounds like you are under dr's care so consult with him and go for it. My doctor helped me with this process and was as excited as me a couple weeks ago when i saw him. The hardest thing to do is to start moving. I have an elliptical machine that is easy on the knees and back. I have had knee surgery and back surgery. I started out walking and using the elliptical for a little bit at a time.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i didn't read it... i could not stop laughing at your avatar picture...

    you are very brave and strong. let's get this done!!
  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    You will be great! Just keep up this motivation!!!!
  • aoifebr
    Congratulations!!! Asking for help is the first step.

    I havent been in your shoes so I'm not going to pretend I know how difficult it is for you but there are people here who have walked in your shoes. I found being honest in my logging the best tip. When your up to it start some weights you'll be amazed the rapid impact they have on your weight loss plus your a lot stronger than you think.

    Feel free to add if you need extra support - good luck!